Six Points Must Be Paid Attention to When Checking and Accepting Inner Door after the Completion of Home Decoration

In the home decoration, the owner is most worried about the trap in the decoration. Do enough homework before the decoration, grasp the key points in the decoration, and pay more attention to the acceptance after the decoration, so as not to fall into the decoration trap. Today, I will share some inner door acceptance six o'clock must be paid attention.


I, inner door quality meet the standards.

The filling in the door leaf is full, the wood strips planed and repaired by the door edge are firmly connected with inner frame, the decorative panel is firmly bonded with the frame, without warped edges and cracks, the board surface is smooth and clean, without knots, insect attack, cracks and rot spots, clear wood grain and beautiful texture. Iaminated board is firmly connected with the frame, without warped edges or cracks. The wood strips that have been planed and repaired by the door leaf are firmly connected with inner frame, and the horizontal and vertical keel arrangement of inner frame meets the design requirements, the installation hinge should have horizontal keel, the board surface is flat and clean, without knots, insect attack, cracks and rot spots, the wood grain is clear, the texture is beautiful, and the board thickness should not be less than 3mm.

Second, there should be basic materials in window and door sets.

When window frame is made of thin wood board or density plate, the basal plate should be fixed on the base keel of the window frame first, and then the lines should be nailed; Door set it is appropriate to use wood to make the frame, planing, planing straight, then it is assembled and installed on the wall, covering basal plate and trim board. Tap the window and door sets side panel by hand. If a Air Force Drum Corps sound is made, it means that the bottom layer does not have base plate such as thin wood board, which should be removed and redone.


Third, the appearance should be beautiful.

Inner door the paint film on the surface of the window should be smooth and bright, without quality defects such as falling, bubbles, wrinkles, etc., without corrosion points, sound knot, and broken; The wood used in the package of window and door sets should be the same as the wood of the door and window fan, the color is coordinated. The color difference between trim board and Wood lines cannot be large, and the tree species should be the same.

4. Doors and windows should be square and cannot be warped and deformed. Doors and windows can just be inserted into the door and window frame, which is consistent with the door and window frame.

If the gap between the door casement and the frame is large, it is mainly because the planing is not fixed during installation or the door and window frame is not perpendicular to the ground, you can remove the door casement and re-planing; If the door and window frame is not vertical, the gasket inside the frame plate should be straight.

V, inner door the hinge should be positioned accurately and installed firmly.

If the hinge is not straight, the doors and windows will not match the frame cover and the door and window switch will not be smooth. You can twist a screw on each hinge first, then adjust the consistency between the door and window fan and the frame, adjust the repair and then tighten all the screws. If the hinge screw is short, or the hinge screw is nailed in at screw tightening, the screw is not twisted, or the screw is inclined, it will cause the door and window fan to go around. The appropriate screws should be replaced. The screws must be straight when they are put on. The screws should be nailed in 1/3 first, and the rest should be screwed in.

Six, the door lock should be opened and locked smoothly, and the two parts locked on the door leaf and the door frame should be consistent.

The lock is not properly installed, which will cause the door leaf to switch freely. Remove the bolt plate, repair the tongue groove with chisel, adjust the position of the bolt mouth of the door frame, and then install it. In addition, the opening direction of the door should also meet the requirements.
