Bedroom Door Size Specification, Home Door Size Measurement Method


Bedroom door decoration effect diagram

inner door size specification

analyze and introduce the sequence from the entrance door.

1. Single door (the first door when entering your living room) size specification

generally, it is about 850-1000MM (MM = MM). After all, it is a gate with a slightly larger width, which gives people a more generous and decent feeling.

2. Size specification of child and mother door (one big and one small door)

generally, the total width is about 105-1200mm, the sub-door is about 300mm, and the rest is for the mother door. In this way, large furniture can be easily transported in and out.

3. Bedroom door size specifications

generally, the door of the bedroom is basically about 750-800mm. Of course, some people are relatively burly in size, or in the north and foreigners, considering the width of 800-850, this is a more humanized design.

4. Kitchen door size specifications

generally, kitchen door is more than sliding door, which can be pushed single or double. The total width of the door is from 1400-1800-2000mm, which is the allowable range. Instead, it needs to be divided from your actual space.

If it is single open, the width of 700-800mm can be considered to design. Because some sizes of refrigerators and household appliances are already 600mm wide. It is too small to put in.

5. Size and specification of bathroom door (toilet door)

the door of this place can be slightly reduced. After all, there is one person in and out, right. Most designs are 550-600mm in width.


Bedroom door decoration effect diagram

measurement Method of room door size

1. International door measurement method: standing at 2000mm from the door opening, visual inspection with eyes, the verticality, width and height of the left and right wall and the top wall (considering the floor height) shall be subject to the narrowest place, the thickness is subject to the widest point, and the data is generated by international taping respectively.

2. Chinese-style door measurement method: first measure the width (upper, middle and lower points) with China's standard 5-meter tape measure, and then measure the height (left, middle and right points), then take the minimum width and height above as the target size. Finally, measure the wall thickness, measure the thickness of the left and right walls and the top walls respectively, take the maximum value as the target size, and measure the relevant data (width error standard 40mm, height error standard 30mm, (It is better to unify the width and height of the same household or floor).

1. Measurement of door opening

width of door opening: Measure the distance between the left and right of the door opening horizontally, and select more than five measuring points for measurement, among which the minimum value (reducing the margin of door frame adjustment) is the extension width of door frame:

the height of the door hole: Measure the distance between the door hole and the door hole vertically, and select more than three measuring points for measurement, of which the minimum value (minus the adjustment margin of the door frame) is the extension of the door frame to tell the size: (note: in the process of measurement, attention should be paid to the ground treatment, and the thickness of the ground decoration materials should be reserved for need)

wall thickness of door opening: Measure the wall thickness horizontally and select more than five measuring points for measurement. The maximum value is the wall thickness. If the wall needs decoration, then the thickness of the door hole wall needs to be added with the thickness of the decoration material.

2. Measurement of door leaf

door leaf = empty inside the door frame-reserved gap

width of door leaf: Measure the empty distance in the door frame horizontally and select more than five measuring points for measurement, where the minimum value is (minus reserved gap) is the width of the door leaf.

Height of door leaf: Measure the empty distance in the door frame vertically and select more than three measuring points for measurement. The minimum value (minus reserved gap) is the height of door leaf. Note: in the process of measurement, attention should be paid to the ground treatment situation, and appropriate size should be reserved for need. Door leaf height <door opening height (the difference is 5-10mm).

The thickness standard of the door leaf is 38mm and 45mm, which should cooperate with the door frame.