How Much Do You Know about Wooden Doors? Come and See These Necessary Knowledge for Home Use

Wooden door, eco-door, solid wood door...... Are these statements in the market confusing you? How much do you know about various concepts of doors? So what do you need to pay special attention to when buying a door?

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Observe the quality of wooden door identification Due to the characteristics of solid wood door and solid wood composite door, when purchasing wooden doors, the owner can check the appearance quality of wooden doors according to the technology adopted by wooden doors to avoid buying defective products. So what defects may they have? According to experts, the surfaces of solid wood door and solid wood composite door are wood or decorative veneer. The difference is that solid wood door paint directly on the wood or not, while solid wood composite door paint on the decorative veneer. According to the manufacturing process of these two types of doors, their appearance quality defects include two parts: one is the defect of wood or veneer (solid wood composite door surface layer), the other is the defect of paint, it is mainly shown in the following aspects. Crack: striated longitudinal crack and annular crack. Longitudinal cracks penetrate the wood texture and will gradually extend; Annular cracks mostly occur between wood textures and generally do not extend. Insect attack: that is, the dazzling eye left after the worm is eaten. After artificial drying of wood, moths have died, and moths will not develop any more, but the existence of insect attack will affect the appearance. Texture: the texture of good wood is regular texture, for example, the texture is chaotic or the level of wood door with inverted silk flow is relatively low. Decay: The wood tissue is dead, moldy and discolored, thus the texture is loose and the strength is reduced. Glue penetration: it means that after veneer is hot-pressed and glued, adhesive leaks out of the outer surface of veneer pores to form glue spots. Its adverse effect is mainly to cause spots on the surface of the workpiece after painting. Bubbling: bubbling is veneer bulging and bubbles after gluing. Its repair process is troublesome, which greatly affects the production efficiency. Cracking: it refers to a gap greater than 0.3mm on the surface of veneer after being pasted, which often occurs at the place where veneer is deformed or spliced, which is also the most common defect in veneer pasting process. Lack of glue: refers to the phenomenon of local lack of veneer or discontinuous glue layer between the substrate and adhesive after hot pressing, which is mainly caused by uneven coating or low viscosity of adhesive. Solid wood door can be made of different materials In the impression of many people, buying solid wood door must be solid wood door made of large pieces of wood of the same material, such as Cherrywood of solid wood door, but in fact, solid wood door may not be made of the same material. According to the wooden door industry standard compiled by China Forest Industry Association, solid wood door refers to wooden doors made of the same tree species or similar solid wood or glued laminated timber. According to Wu Shengfu, director of marketing department of China Forestry Industry Association, from the concept of solid wood door, there is no strict requirement that solid wood door must be the same tree species, but that the materials are similar, for example, the density is similar. If the material difference is too large, especially the dry shrinkage and wet expansion, it is easy to raise, drum bag, and crack, and the quality of wooden doors is difficult to guarantee. In terms of products on the market, solid wood door may also use glued laminated timber (that is, glued wood, which is made of plates and small square materials that basically parallel the fiber direction in length, the width and thickness are made of materials integrated with glue. Solid wood door the door panel may not be the same tree species, or door set may not be the same tree species. According to industry standards, the door frame is door set-"fixed at the wall door opening, supporting movable door leaf and installing fixed door leaf frame-shaped wooden components, consisting of frame, upper frame and decorative plate." Therefore, the door frame and door leaf belong to the specified range of solid wood door, but even the different tree species used must be similar in nature.

Editor: China Door Industry Network