If You Choose Wooden Door for These 8 Steps, You Will Never Be Cheated Again!

In home decoration, the facade is very important to create a perfect home environment; Therefore, it is very important to choose a wooden door with good quality and high cost performance. The problem of wooden door purchase has always been solved by many consumers who want to be beautiful enough wooden door. How to choose a variety of wooden door brands facing the dazzling market? How much of the salesperson's words are credible. Do you know how to buy wooden doors, and do you know how to match the purchase of wooden doors with the decoration in your home? If any good-looking wooden door fails to match with the decoration of the home, it will be a waste of thought. In addition to how to choose wooden doors from Jiao Da, the editor of this article will teach you how to match wooden doors, good wooden doors need to be matched with home decoration to bring good-looking home space to the owners. 1. Look at the thickness The thickness of door leaf on the market is uneven, generally: 38mm 40mm 45mm

obviously, the thicker the wooden door, the better. In addition to the hollow door, the thicker the thickness, the more materials used, the better the sound insulation effect and durability, For example, we use wooden doors with a thickness of 45mm. In addition to the sound insulation effect, the closing of a large amount of wooden doors gives people a heavy and powerful feeling, which increases the sense of security and makes life more comfortable.

II. Look at the filling material Wooden door> solid wood door (composite)> archway mechanical plate> hollow slab Wooden doors have different names according to different filling materials. For example, there are original wooden doors, solid wood door (composite) and hollow doors. Then, according to the filling materials, it is obvious:

III. Surface treatment methods Veneer paint door> water paint door> paint door

under normal circumstances, the cost of painting doors is much higher than that of paint-free door. Paint doors need to be polished and painted many times, and some were polished four times last time, primer and topcoat 2-3 times. The gap between labor costs is hundreds, and the natural price for paint doors is higher than paint-free door. Paint-free door the surface texture is a finished product. It can be used as a wooden door directly through blanking, assembly, edge sealing and other processes according to the size without coating treatment. The cost is the lowest.

4. Look at the paint water process American painting> ordinary painting The quality of paint water process directly determines the appearance, mainly from the permeability of paint water, the effect of texture, the degree of touch, the old effect, actually we bought the door, clearly filled the heart, the process of surface paint water is not always done, and the process is few. The natural paint effect is very poor, which directly causes the wooden door to be of low grade, the technology is not good enough, and the aesthetic feeling that conforms to the style cannot be achieved. This is why we went to see the wooden door. People must like the color of the good wooden door very much. However, the poor wooden door has rough workmanship, paint and wood, V. Look at the wood craft Framing Process> sticking frame process> finishing process Wood craft, in the modern style, the most used is the Assembly craft. The whole wooden door is mainly planar and rarely has Modeling. Then this woodworking craft is the simplest and directly determines the cost.

The slightly more complicated so easy so beauty style, Nordic style, etc. have some simple shapes, so when it comes to modeling, woodworking technology will be more complicated than modern ones, and labor costs will be higher. The most complicated is the assembly process, which is separated by frame and cross-band veneer and connected by bucket Fu. This is the most time-consuming and the best effect. The three-dimensional and layering of wooden doors are very strong, for big American, European-style lamp some relatively complicated decoration styles, suitable for this kind of woodworking craft. VI. Look at door set Combination door set> nail pan door strip

relatively speaking, the combination of door set is beautiful, the grade is higher, and the cost is correspondingly higher. VII. Look at the stickers and decals The simpler the door is, there is no auxiliary decoration such as lines and stickers, and the cost of wooden doors is also different. For example, modern, Nordic wooden doors are relatively cheaper than those of big American and European, because there are few lines, few flowers, and even almost no

8. Look at the installation after-sales service No matter how good the product is, it also needs qualified installation. Especially for solid wood door, installation is not only a test of the patience and technology of the master, but also a beautiful and elegant installation by the skilled master. In addition, the accessories needed for installation are provided by merchants or owners. Is there any after-sales paint repair service? It is also the key to measure the overall cost performance of a wooden door. Don't argue all kinds of things once you arrive at the scene, it not only affects the pleasant mood of decoration, but also may prevent the process from going on and delay the construction period. Summary: Buying a good wooden door is not only one aspect to hold, but the above aspects need to be considered and weighed. What kind of wooden door do you want to buy? What's your problem? You can leave me a message and discuss it together.

Editor: China Door Industry Network -- 27