It Is Necessary to Enter the Fengshui Pass Designed by Entry Door"

The door, the entrance, the exit must pass, is the symbol of the separation of the inside and outside space, is the first pass and throat to enter the room, therefore, it is called "Portal". The door is not only the face of the building, but also an independent building. The Ancients said that "The house uses the portal as the Crown belt", which shows that the door has the function of showing the image. However, Feng Shui theory holds that the door of a house, called air vent, has a great influence on feng shui at home. The portal is related to the family's fortune. Therefore, whether it is the third important thing of yangzhai: "door, main, stove" or the sixth thing of yangzhai: "door, road, stove, well, pit, toilet" all regard the portal as the first element, the ghastly hub of the whole house.

I. The size of the portal should be appropriate The size of the portal is very exquisite. It cannot be too big, nor can it be too School in feng shui. The door of the house is called "closed" and the main disease; The door of the house is called "discouraged", withdraw money; The size of the door should be properly configured with the size of the building, which is the jizhai. For example, entry door is the door to enter the whole home. The door to enter the home should be larger; The door to the small room should be smaller, for example, the door to the bathroom or kitchen should be smaller.

2. The door should be opened inward In the process of opening and closing the door, there will be air flow in and out. Feng shui theory holds that home feng shui is appropriate to gather qi, so the portal should be opened inward so that auspicious Qi can enter.

3. The door should not be blocked The door is the entrance of the residence, which should be neat and bright, so as not to hinder the air transport. Therefore, don't pile up sundries and garbage at the door so as to keep the airflow smooth and clean. However, if the sundries and garbage are piled up, it is easy to bring the unclean gas into the home, which affects the fortune of the family.

4. The direction of opening the door Feng shui theory holds that the direction of opening the door has a great relationship with household feng shui. As far as the direction of opening the door itself is concerned, there is no absolute good or bad. However, the combination of the direction of opening the door and the house type determines the location of the home, thus affecting the quality of home feng shui.

5. The number of entry door should be one Many units, even some families, open another door entry door away to facilitate their access. Convenience is convenient, but it leaves a hidden danger of feng shui. Feng shui theory holds that multi-door householders are easy to recruit thieves and spend more money.

VI. Portal feng shui must avoid three situations The following three situations will have a serious adverse impact on the feng shui of the whole home. It is appropriate to avoid them: 1. The door is opposite to the door The situation where the door is opposite to the door is called door punch. For example, entry door is facing bedroom door, kitchen door, bathroom door, storage room door, and indoor door-to-door situations, which can easily cause verbal errors. 2. Entry door is right with the window Entry door is right with the window, the air flow does not rotate indoors, and the situation directly passes through the hall is called "passing through the hall" on the wind and water ". It is easy to break the wealth without gathering the wealth. 3. Entry door facing corridor or passage Entry door is facing the corridor or passage, which is like a sharp sword passing through the house. This kind of pattern is called "through the sword" on the wind and water, which is very harmful to family fortune and is prone to red injury, punishment.

7. The door should be three missing The following three situations are not conducive to family fortune, so it is better to be absent. 1. Open the door to see the stove "Yangzhai integration" Cloud: "Open the door to see the stove, and spend more money". That is to say, if you get started, you will see the stove, and the fire will rush people, making the wealth unable to enter. 2. Open the door to see the toilet As soon as I entered the door, I saw the toilet. The toilet was the source of filth, welcoming people at dirty air, and the wealth stopped. 3. Open the door and see the mirror As soon as you enter the door, you will see the mirror, which will reflect the wealth.

Edit: China integrated kitchen network -- 27