Wooden Doors Will Grow Old after Being Used for a Long Time, So They Should Be Maintained More.

Wooden doors will also age after being used for a long time, and maintenance is very important.

Do not hang heavy objects on the door leaf to avoid sharp objects from bumping and scratching. When opening or closing the door leaf, do not push too hard and do not hit the wooden door. Do not open the door lock with wet hands, or splash solvent containing corrosive components onto the wooden door and door lock. Do not push too hard when opening the door lock or turning gate lock handle. Hinge, door lock and other frequently moving hardware accessories should be tightened immediately when loosening occurs. When the door lock does not work, you can add a proper amount of pencil leads foam and other lubricants to the keyhole for lubrication. When wiping the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass bead to avoid deformation of the bead. Do not use too much force when wiping the glass to avoid damage to the person. There is a big bump after the glass is damaged. Be sure to ask professionals to repair it. When removing stains on the surface of wooden doors (such as handprints), wipe them with a soft cloth after breathing and wetting, and the hard cloth will easily scratch the surface. When the stain is too heavy, you can use neutral cleaning agent, toothpaste or furniture special cleaning agent, and wipe it clean immediately after decontamination.

When removing dust from wooden doors, vacuum cleaners can be used to remove it. Do not rub the corners of the wooden door frequently to avoid fading and damage of the decorative materials at the corners.

Editor: China Door Industry Network -- 27