Inner "Big Qiankun", Let You Know Solid Wood Door

At present, the wooden doors sold on the market are called solid wood door, but because consumers can't see the internal structure of the wooden doors, on the surface, they feel that the wooden doors are almost the same, but why are the prices of different wooden doors so different, today, Xiao Bian will introduce solid wood door knowledge to you to learn about the seemingly similar surface. In fact, there is a great deal inside "..... In the wooden door market, there are two kinds of best-selling solid wood door: log solid wood door and compound solid wooden door solid wood door. Log solid wood door: log solid wood door refers to wooden doors made from selected natural and precious wood. There are walnut, Cherrywood, Maple, teak, oak, beech and other valuable timber varieties. Its main feature is that the materials of each part of the door leaf are the same tree species and the inside and outside are the same, without any filler of different materials.

Compound solid wooden door: density plate and solid wood are pasted outside, with solid wood puzzle as the door frame, and the door core is a wooden door made of other varieties of wood or man-made Board composite. In short, solid wood composite door is made of two or more kinds of wood. Among them, the door core material is superior to wood raw materials such as pine and fir. So how should consumers identify log solid wood door and composite door? 1. Listen to the sound: after knocking a few times, the sound of log solid wood door is often deeper and more textured than composite door. 2. Weight: log solid wood door is thicker than composite door. 3. Look at the wood grain: solid wood door of the wood grain of each log is unique and cannot be copied, which is a natural texture formed by the growth of trees.

Editor: China Door Industry Network -- 27