The Door Is the First Side of the Home, and Each Has Its Own Characteristics and Advantages. There Are Not Too Many Reasons to Choose the Wooden Door.

The door is the first side of home. There are many kinds of doors, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. Today, the editor will tell you why you choose and like wooden doors without too many reasons!

Natural Health First of all, Wood is a kind of natural material. Compared with the four main materials of steel, wood, cement and plastic commonly used by us, only it is directly taken from natural and healthy grounding gas, which has low production cost, energy consumption and filial piety are non-toxic and pollution-free.

Excellent texture Wood has good tactile properties that are easily accepted by people and is far superior to materials such as metal and glass. The ratio of some strength to weight of wood is higher than that of common metals, which is a kind of material with light weight and high strength.

Good constant temperature effect The thermal conductivity of wood is very small. Compared with other materials, the thermal conductivity of aluminum is 2,000 times that of it, and the thermal conductivity of plastic is 30 times that of it. Therefore, Wood has good thermal insulation performance!

Convenient Processability Wood has moderate hardness and is the easiest to process. Its technological effect is also very good. It can give consideration to style and style at will, so as to create a good wooden door!

Perfect combination of decoration and art Decorative: The wood itself has a natural pattern pattern, which is the preferred material for doors and has good decorative effect. Its door flower, door head and post are decorated by wood decoration, and the quality is doubled immediately! Artistry: every Wallberg wooden door is made one by one by hand. The master's ingenuity injected the soul into the wooden door, so the Wallberg wooden door became a classic work of art.

All-matching, good plasticity Wooden doors have natural plasticity. If you pursue luxuriousness and resistance to deformation, Wallberg will make finger wood for you; If you like the original ecology of ethnic style, we will give you back to the original wooden door. Everything is based on customer needs, more than a hundred styles, constantly upgrading and perfecting the craft, you can do whatever you want! Modern, pastoral, simple European; Single door, double Open, son and mother, push and pull a variety of orientations, a variety of styles to choose. Wallberg wooden door is bound to lead the trend, constantly bring forth the new and develop the fashion home to the end!

Editor: China Door Industry Network -- 27