to Buy Well Content Environmentally Friendly Wooden Door Products, You Need to Observe and Compare More

Environmental protection and health occupy an important position in modern people's life concept as they get older and older, so they pay great attention to healthy and environment-friendly in the purchase of goods. Wooden door is one of the essential building materials in home decoration. With the appearance of formaldehyde door, many consumers are worried and even lose confidence in the wooden door industry. Therefore, wooden door enterprises must strictly grasp the quality control. As consumers, they also need to practice the "Golden Eye" to distinguish between true and false and choose healthy and environment-friendly wooden door products. Generally speaking, there are various slogans about environmental protection in the market. In order not to fall into misunderstanding, consumers must grasp the following points:

1. Environmental Protection materials are not equal to environmental protection decoration Many owners believe that as long as the whole wooden door decoration uses environmental protection materials, the home decoration can reach the environmental protection standard, but even if the environmental protection materials, there is still a risk of superimposed pollution. Environmental protection materials can only indicate that the release amount of harmful substances of this material meets the relevant national standards, but this does not mean that there is no pollution. Take formaldehyde as an example. Assume that in a 80-square-meter room, 10 pieces of standard block board are used. Maybe the formaldehyde content in the indoor environment is qualified, but it is also this room, if 20 pieces of block board are used, the formaldehyde content will exceed the standard. This shows that even if all environmental protection building materials are used, once excessive, indoor harmful substances are also unqualified. 2. Decoration materials should start from pollution sources Some owners did not take any environmental protection measures in the process of decorating the whole wooden door of the new house, but only did some local targeted environmental protection treatment when the decoration project was coming to an end. In fact, environmental protection decoration should be started from the source. The first decoration and then management is a concept of environmental protection with a point and a side and a partial generalization, which often fails to achieve good environmental protection effect. We should start with the pollution sources of decoration materials and carry out reasonable design. 3. Good brands do not have good guarantees. Compared with other brands, the overall wooden doors of regular brands are more likely to be loved by young white-collar workers. After all, brand means quality assurance and better after-sales service. However, as a regular brand, it is not to say that it is OK to climb relatives with some big brands, such as "Who we cooperate with and whose materials are consistent with", because although the manufacturers say so, however, consumers cannot examine its authenticity. Even when choosing a regular brand, we should examine the quality through details. A good whole wooden door can be identified by plate, countertop, drilling, and edge sealing. Details such as wall cupboard pendant and front joint plate reinforcement are also very important. The quality of the whole wooden door, life span is often determined by these details. Therefore, consumers should not be afraid of trouble, compared with the details of the three stores. 4. Pay attention to details and don't "concept trap" Young white-collar workers pay more attention to the quality of life, so they also pay more attention to whether the whole wooden door products are environmentally friendly. When purchasing, you must consult the shopping guide about this issue. Shopping guides usually use the terms of "all environmental protection", "E0 grade box" and "avoiding formaldehyde release bumper strip" to ensure the quality of their products. Hearing these explanations, consumers will no longer pursue the details. However, these are all speculation by merchants, in order to let consumers fall into the "conceptual trap" of environmental protection ". Whether the whole wooden door is environmentally friendly is related to the environmental protection performance of the board, processing technology, installation technology of workers, the design level of the whole wooden door by the enterprise, the decoration of the whole wooden door, the configuration of the whole wooden door, etc. And whether it can effectively avoid the smoke pollution, light pollution, noise pollution, etc. of the whole wooden door. Therefore, "100% environmental protection whole wooden door" is actually very difficult to achieve, and the overall wooden door environmental protection is an all-round concept. China's overall wooden door industry has not yet formulated a unified environmental protection standard, but the most authoritative environmental protection certification in China is "ten ring certification". In general, consumers must pay attention to the details, understand all kinds of decoration environmental protection materials, and observe and compare more to buy well content products. Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief