There Are Various Types of Wooden Doors, Which Will Give You a Deep Understanding of the Styles of Wooden Doors.

Everything is classified, and there are many types of wooden doors according to their styles. The following small editor will give you a detailed talk about the types of wooden doors. Wooden doors are divided into single door, child and mother door, double-door, sliding door and hidden door according to style. It is easy to understand that a single door is an ordinary door, which is used in ordinary door holes. Mother-Child door is a mother (door fan) with a child (small door leaf). Mother-child door is generally larger in the width of the door hole (greater than single door width but less than the total width of the double door), for the overall beauty, the door leaf is designed in the form of a large and small child and mother. Double-door is also called double door, which is a door with two doors. It is mainly used in door holes with large width, which can be easily opened and ensure coordination and beauty. Sliding door is a door that can be pushed and pulled by rail on a plane. Sliding door greatly facilitates the division and utilization of room space, and narrow space will not be wasted because of opening and closing doors. In addition to the most common partition door, sliding door is widely used in bookcases, closet, living rooms, showrooms, sliding doors, etc. The Hidden Door is a virtual concept of the door, but it plays a role of the door. When not in use, it seems to be completely coordinated. In fact, just like the hidden door seen on TV, it is not easy to find the existence of the door. Hidden doors need a certain design, which can add some mysterious and creative feelings to the home. Friendly tips: Don't install too many hidden doors even if the house is big, be careful that you can't find the door in your own home. Do you think you have a deeper understanding of the door?

Editor: China Door Industry Network -- 27