Xiao Bian Teaches You: Solid Wood Door Installation Method!

Wooden doors, as the name implies, are doors made of wooden materials. No matter in Guda or modern decoration, doors are indispensable. So what kind of process is the installation process of wooden doors, whether it is simple or complicated, let's tell you.

u=1957847951,4067482211&fm=23&gp=0 Solid wood door installation conditions

1. The wooden door must adopt the installation method of reserved opening, and the method of installing side opening is strictly prohibited.

2. The wooden door must be installed after the installation of the floor project (such as floor tiles and stone), and at the same time, after the wall putty is scraped and polished, (the wall needs to be wall tile, the hole at the stone, the installation operation can be carried out only after all the sides of the opening are attached.

3. The humidity of the wall at the entrance of the installation hole is less than 25%. If the humidity is more than 25%, the moisture-proof isolation layer should be made on the installation wall.

4. The installation site has clean environment, no clutter and no cross operation.

5. Installation tools electric hammer, woodworking hammer, plane, flat file, fine tooth saw (hacksaw), screwdriver, Angle Square, tape measure, plumb bob, horizontal ruler, electric drill, Tapper, stamp, and drill with corresponding specifications.

Solid wood door installation method

1. Assemble door set.

First, find out the door set and vertical plate, and apply glue to the interface according to the back number.

2. Install door set.

Put the whole assembled door set into the door hole, and use small Batten to roughly fix all around the door set. The two sides of the door set should be on the same plane as the wall, and then check whether the whole door set is perpendicular to the ground, door set whether the two corners of the roof and the two riser are right angles or not, and whether the door set is bent or not, twist both ends of the iron sheet to cover the wall.

3. Install the door leaf.

Open the hinge slot first, and the distance between the hinge slot and the two ends of the door leaf should be 1/10 of the height of the door leaf.

4. Install the door lock.

After installation, check whether the door leaf and door interlock switch are flexible, whether the gap is flexible, and whether the gap meets the specifications.

5. Install door casing.

Cut the cathetus with door casing into 45 degree angle, trim with woodworking, insert the cathetus into the door cover slot, and stick the floor glue to the door cover with door casing.

6. Install the door stopper at the corresponding position.

Solid wood door maintenance after installation

1. Under normal circumstances, the door leaf should be closed. Door body avoid direct sunlight or exposure for a long time. When carrying things, be careful to avoid sharp objects colliding with door body, so as not to scratch the surface. If the humidity and temperature of the environment on both sides of the door body vary greatly, the door leaf should be kept open to avoid door body deformation caused by uneven humidity and temperature on both sides. When the wooden door is in use, do not hang heavy objects and pedal on the door leaf.

2. After we have installed the wooden door, do we not need to worry about it? The answer is No. We must cherish and cherish any thing so that it can be used for a long time, therefore, after that, we should pay attention to the maintenance of wooden doors with certain measures. For example, we must be careful not to push too hard when opening and closing doors. At the same time, we should not use wet hands to unlock doors, because once the lock enters the water, it will rust, causing the door lock to be damaged. And we need to clean the door regularly.