Causes of Wooden Door Deformation and Simple Methods to Prevent Deformation

Natural Wood has various factors in the growth process, resulting in uneven density of wood (sunny surface, annual ring density, core material and edge material). When the wood is cut open, the balance of internal stress is changed, deform and crack the wood. The high moisture content of wood is also another major reason for the deformation of wooden doors. With the decrease of moisture content during use, the internal stress of wood will be gradually revealed, which will eventually lead to deformation and cracking. At present, there are three main reasons for the deformation of wooden doors: 1. Damp and high moisture content of wood are also another major cause of wooden door Deformation. With the decrease of moisture content during use, the internal stress of wood will be gradually revealed, eventually leading to deformation and cracking. 2. Design structure, whether the design structure of wooden door is reasonable (including internal); Whether it is made according to the technological requirements in actual production; Whether the binder is fully solidified; Whether the Transportation and placement meet the requirements; environmental conditions in the place of use are also important reasons for the deformation of wooden doors. 3. Material problems, both solid wood door and solid wood composite door have wood components, while wood and other objects have the characteristics of dry shrinkage, moisture expansion, wood logs are natural, the degree of modification will be more serious than that of synthetic materials. Moreover, wooden doors have a large area and few fixed points, so they are most prone to deformation and cracking. Since it is difficult to repair wooden doors once they are deformed, the most important thing is to pay attention to maintenance. If the humidity in the room is heavy, it should be dealt with in time. Ventilation fan and ventilation fan are very effective methods.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief