Disadvantages of Customized Wooden Doors How to Accept Customized Wooden Doors

With the gradual popularity of customized furniture, there are more and more owners of customized wooden doors in home decoration. However, customized wooden doors can certainly meet the requirements of interior decoration, however, customized wooden doors also have some disadvantages that need to be paid attention to, so the following will introduce the disadvantages of customized wooden doors and the acceptance methods of customized wooden doors in detail.

Disadvantages of customized wooden doors:

disadvantage 1: If the pre-sales deposit is paid

in the process of home decoration, consumers often pay more attention to the coordination of decoration effect. How to perfectly combine beauty with practicality is a problem that owners will face before customizing wooden doors. Therefore, merchants will actively provide consumers with the overall design rendering of the product. However, before the introduction of the design plan, some merchants require consumers to pay a large amount of deposit first and then issue drawings.

If the design drawings made by designers are changed and then changed, they still cannot meet the requirements of consumers, and designers of some merchants often lose patience. When the two sides fail to reach an agreement for a long time, it is difficult for consumers to claim back the design cost.

In fact, industry insiders revealed that before the wooden door products were seen, the requirement to pay the design fee was a overlord clause.

Therefore, consumers should be reminded to select manufacturers with zero design fees for customization. In the process of design, the designer must design the best effect diagram according to the needs of the owners, so as to help the owners avoid the defects of overall uncoordinated and unpractical appearance after customizing the wooden doors. At the same time, the owner can also make DIY modifications at any time, constantly improve the effect of the wooden door, and can choose the color, material and size of the wooden door independently.

Disadvantage 2: The customization cycle is extended irregularly

the production cycle of customized wooden doors is an important issue for consumers. Therefore, the credit of merchants is particularly important. Consumers said, "looking forward to XINGX, looking forward to the moon, the wooden door always feels late, and several times of leave to go home, but failed to deliver the goods as scheduled, which makes people angry". Indeed, there are widespread credit problems such as delayed delivery in the wooden door industry, and it is often difficult for merchants to control the production process of products themselves. Therefore, remind consumers to choose brands with guaranteed production period as far as possible to ensure service quality.

Experts also said that the use of Web inquiry system can prevent the emergence of fake and inferior products. There is often such a phenomenon in the industry: in order to earn more profits, merchants do not place orders from manufacturers, but produce on behalf of local small factories, with inferior quality, "hanging sheep head and selling dog meat", cheat consumers. The emergence of the order system makes every wooden door product and every component customized by the owner clearly displayed, thus "Li Gui" has no hiding place, the interests of the owners have been effectively maintained.

Disadvantages 3: poor after-sales service

in fact, after installing wooden door products, it does not mean that the shopping trip has reached the end point. In the long-term use of products, various problems often occur, requiring merchants to provide continuous maintenance services. Merchants with imperfect after-sales service system often find it difficult to guarantee product maintenance.

Therefore, consumers should try their best to choose merchants with long-term service guarantee, such as the service commitment of "one-year replacement", "five-year warranty" and "product life-long maintenance, merchants with after-sales return visits and tracking services are generally more reliable.

Wooden door customization acceptance

1. Appearance should be beautiful: the surface paint film of wooden door should be smooth and bright, without quality defects such as falling, bubbles, wrinkles, etc., without corrosion points, sound knot, and broken; door pocket the wood used should be coordinated with the wood and color of the door leaf. The color difference between the trim board and the wood lines should not be large, and the tree species should be the same.

2. The door leaf should be square and cannot be warped and deformed: The door leaf can just be inserted into the door frame and match the door frame: if the gap between the door leaf and the frame is large, the main reason is that the planing is not correct during installation or the door frame is not perpendicular to the ground, so the door leaf can be removed and re-planed. If the door frame is not vertical, the gasket in the frame plate should be straight.

3. The hinge should be positioned accurately and installed firmly: If the hinge is not straight, the door leaf will not match the frame cover and the door switch will not be smooth. You can twist a screw on each hinge first, then adjust the fit between the door leaf and the frame, adjust the repair and then tighten all the screws. If the hinge screw is short, or it is nailed in at screw tightening, the screw is not twisted, or the screw is inclined, it will cause the door leaf to go around. The appropriate screws should be replaced. The screws must be straight when they are put on. The screws should be nailed in 1/3 first, and the rest should be screwed in.

4. The door lock should be opened and locked smoothly, and the two parts locked on the door leaf and the door frame should be consistent: if the lock is not properly installed, it will cause the door leaf to switch freely. Remove the bolt plate, repair the tongue groove with chisel, adjust the position of the bolt mouth of the door frame, and then install it. In addition, the opening direction of the door should also meet the requirements.

5. There should be base material in door set: When door set is made of fine wood board or density plate, the basal plate should be fixed on the base keel of the door frame first, and then the lines should be nailed; Door set after the frame is made of wood, planing, planing straight, then assembling and molding installation on the wall, and then covering basal plate and trim board. Tap the door set side panel by hand. If a Air Force Drum Corps sound is made, it means that the bottom layer is not covered with base plate such as thin wood board, and it should be folded, removed and redone.