The Wooden Door Will Affect the Appearance after Mildew. You Must Do a Good Job of Maintenance.

In addition to affecting the appearance, the mildew of wooden doors may also cause other respiratory diseases such as asthma. Therefore, when solid wood door of mildew is found in the home, dry tissue can be used to erase the mold, or use a brush to brush a few times and then wipe it with tissue. If the mold has not been removed, wipe it hard with a wet tissue or towel. Special essential oil also has better mildew removal function. You can use a clean soft cloth coated with a special cleaning agent to remove mildew spots. Then apply a layer of door wax or special essential oil to the breeding site of mildew spots, and put a piece of soap in the place with mildew smell. It can also be tea fragment dried to eliminate mildew smell. The reason for the mould of wooden doors may also be that the painting times are less and the paint quality is inferior. Therefore, Vaseline can be used for protection. Clean the mold with a rag and wipe it with a clean cloth. After removing the mildew spot, dry the wooden door. Treatment methods of wooden door mildew in daily life Quicklime Solid wood door is relatively easy to be affected by moisture, and Wood is simple to swell and mold when wet. Lime powder can be put in the gap between doors and windows and the ground! In addition, the door should be waxed regularly. Every 6-12 months, a special door paste wax should be used to wax the door. Before the upper wax, use relatively mild non-alkaline soap water to erase the old wax. Vaseline You can clean it with a rag coated with Vaseline, and then wipe it with a clean cloth. Find a small box at home and put lime on it. On the wooden door, a 5-8 watt tungsten bulb is installed, which can be opened at night or during wet periods, so that the humidity in the space can be kept below 30%. Detergent In wet spring and summer days with more thunderstorm, clean soft cloth solid wood door door special cleaning agent can be used for ordinary cleaning of dip to remove dirt quietly. This kind of cleaning agent can form a protective film on the surface of solid wood door, to a certain extent, it hinders the penetration of water vapor into the interior of the wooden door. Special essential oil If solid wood door mildew is serious, use clean soft cloth dip neutral cleaning agent or door special cleaning agent to eradicate it. Then, put a layer of door wax or special essential oil on the moldy ones quietly, and put a piece of soap or fill it with tea fragment of gauze bag to dry locally with musty smell to help eliminate musty smell. Daily maintenance cannot be ignored 1. Lime powder can be put into the gap between the door and the ground. In addition, the door should be waxed regularly. Every 6-12 months, use a special door paste wax as a layer of wax on the door. Before the upper wax, use relatively mild non-alkaline soap water to erase the old wax. 2. In wet spring and summer with more thunderstorm, try not to use a cloth with water to clean it directly. When cleaning solid wood door normally, you can use a clean soft cloth to wipe it, or dip wooden door special cleaning agent gently wipe to remove dirt. This kind of cleaning agent can form a protective film on the appearance of solid wood door, which will hinder the penetration of water vapor into the interior of the wooden door to a certain extent. However, in the boring seasons such as autumn and winter, we use slightly wet soft cloth to scrub quietly along the lines of wood, insisting on solid wood door water content to prevent cracking. Pay attention not to wipe with dry cloth to avoid scratch. 3. If you encounter solid wood door mildew, you can use clean soft cloth dip neutral cleaning agent or special cleaning agent for doors to eradicate it. Then, put a layer of door wax or special essential oil on the moldy ones quietly, and put a piece of soap or fill it with tea fragment of gauze bag to dry locally with musty smell to help eliminate musty smell. 4. You can put some dehumidification supplies such as moisture absorption box and activated carbon beside the door, and properly open the window or use the air conditioning ventilation function to discharge the humid air in the house. In addition, indoor plants can be placed on the balcony or living room, and should not be placed near the door, so as not to leak water when watering, causing foaming on the ground such as wood floors, resulting in the failure to close the solid wood door. Conclusion: If you install wooden doors at home, you must always do routine maintenance work and take moisture-proof measures. Otherwise, wooden doors will affect the appearance after mildew. Although they can be cleaned up, modern people are afraid of trouble, if you don't want to bother to find the door, do a good job of maintenance.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief