The Atmosphere of Home Life Is Created, and the Choice of Wooden Doors Is Very Exquisite.

Whether it is a door or a door, you need to have better sound insulation, anti-theft, impact resistance, in order to have a sense of security. Therefore, it is necessary to choose decorative doors with dense material, firm structure and safe use. Study room: the door with good sound insulation effect, good light transmission and strong sense of design should be selected for the book door, such as frosted glass with Oracle decoration or wooden door with ancient window edge pattern, it can produce simple and elegant book fragrance, and the sound insulation effect of T-shaped plug door is very good. Kitchen: kitchen door should choose waterproof and sealed door type, so as to effectively block the lampblack generated during cooking, such as semi-glass door with sand blasting pattern or semi-transparent Toilet: the door of the toilet mainly focuses on factors such as privacy and water resistance. You can choose the fashionable full-frosted to deal with the semi-glass door type. If the wet and dry areas are not separated, plastic steel door and stainless steel door should be considered. Bedroom: bedroom door the most important thing is to consider privacy and create a warm atmosphere. Therefore, the door type with weak light transmission and solid light is mostly used, such as frosted glass, checkered, elegant wooden door. How does the color of the door match the interior color? Matching principle: the selected decorative door should be coordinated and matched with the door frame cover, the whole interior decoration style, color, tree species, patterns, etc. in terms of tree species, color and style, in order to produce a complete and unified decorative effect. The wall is light color: cold color pallete wooden doors such as white oak, birch and mixed oil should be selected. The wall is dark: warm wooden doors such as teak, Sapele, and walnut should be selected. The choice of color of wooden door should also pay attention to the color of furniture and ground, and contrast with the color of wall, which is conducive to creating an atmosphere with space layering. Environmental protection Fir is a kind of good mid-range wood, which is not only light in material, easy to dry and easy to process, but also has good adhesive performance and is not easy to deform. Using fir as furniture is not only beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, and has a light fragrance of natural wood. It may be difficult for people to define it, but the consensus reached by people on a beautiful home can be described in the following words: bedroom design should follow the premise of people-oriented and be able to have practical functions, in design, formal language can be used to express theme, theme, emotion and artistic conception. How can formal language and formal beauty be expressed. Method: comparison Contrast is a common way in home decoration design. Designers say that people who have been engaged in systematic study of art theory all know that this way is the basic shaping skill of art design, it compares two different things, shapes and colors, such as square and circle, new and old, big and filial black and white, deep and shallow, thick and thin, etc. By putting two obviously opposite elements in the same space and designing them, they are both opposite and harmonious; They are both contradictory and unified, and get sharp contrast in strong contrast, the complementary and satisfying effects are obtained. Mode: Harmony Harmony contains the meaning of coordination. On the premise of meeting the functional requirements, it coordinates the combination of shapes, colors, lights, qualities and so on of various indoor objects to become a very harmonious and unified whole. Harmony can also be divided into harmony of environment and modeling, Harmony of material texture, Harmony of tone, Harmony of style and style, etc. Harmony can make people get quiet and peaceful satisfaction visually and psychologically. Mode: Hue Tone is one of the important factors that constitute plastic art design. Different colors can cause people to feel different colors visually. For example, the warm feeling of red, orange and yellow is very strong, which is called Warm color system; Cyan, blue, green has cold and quiet feeling, which is called cold color pallete. In interior design, various colors can be selected. There are many colors, which can be generally summarized as the same color, similar color, adjacent color, contrast color, etc, it can be used flexibly according to different environments. Method: Unique A designer said that many owners are very particular about personality, and uniqueness is exactly what they pursue. In order to pursue uniqueness, designers must break through the original rules, be unconventional and attract attention. In nature, yidianhong and an oasis in a sandstorm of all green trees are unique manifestations. Uniqueness is produced in foil and exists in comparison with each other. In interior design, breakthrough imagination is especially respected to create individuality and characteristics. Method: Concise Simplicity is one of the techniques that are particularly worth advocating in interior design, and it is also a very popular trend in recent years. This requires that there are no gorgeous decorations and unnecessary attachments in the indoor environment. We must adhere to the principle of reducing interior decoration to the minimum, and the principle of simplicity is enrichment. Method: Echo In the interior design, the ceiling and the ground, the desktop or other parts, using the method of Echo, the body processing, will play a corresponding role. Echo belongs to balanced formal beauty, which is a common technique of various arts. Echo also has the corresponding symmetry and relative symmetry. Mode: Symmetry Symmetry is the traditional technique of formal beauty and the earliest rule of formal beauty mastered by human beings. Symmetry can adopt absolute symmetry and relative symmetry. Upper and Lower, left and right symmetry, homomorphic, homogenous symmetry is called absolute symmetry; While in interior design, relative symmetry is adopted, which gives people a sense of order, solemnity, NEAT is the beauty of harmony. Method: continuation Usually, designers ignore the continuation design method. Specifically, the external shape of an object can be up or down regularly, left or right, and continuous is continuation. This continuation technique is applied in space to make space gain a sense of expansion or guidance, and even deepen people's understanding of the environment. Purchase is not out of date The two main elements of room design are space division and atmosphere creation. The means used for atmosphere creation are body, color, lighting and texture. These four elements are mainly reflected in the facade design of the living room. As an important part of the facade, wooden doors play an indispensable role in completing the ideal atmosphere of the living room with their body, color and texture.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief