Always Pay Attention! Four Misunderstandings of Wooden Door Purchase

In recent years, the wooden door market has become more and more popular. There are more and more families buying wooden doors for house decoration, but few consumers know about wooden doors. The purchase of wooden doors is usually hearsay, and there are four misunderstandings in the purchase of wooden doors. ? One of the misunderstandings: the quality of Tenon is better In the market, some salesmen will say when introducing the advantages of their own products that the wooden doors of other manufacturers may be spliced and glued, while their wooden doors are made of mortise and tenon, more environmentally friendly and more stable quality. So, is it better to be Tenon? Professional doubts: mortise and tenon joint is a wood combination method invented by our ancestors for thousands of years, which is still used in a few occasions. But it is not suitable for industrial processing, let alone mechanized assembly line operation. If solid wood door is combined with mortise and tenon, and no adhesive is used, it can be described as more "environmentally friendly", but it is also easy to deform and crack. Misunderstanding 2: pure solid wood is more high quality and environmentally friendly In many people's minds, solid wood door is definitely more environmentally friendly and of better quality due to the adoption of more solid wood materials. Professional doubts: whether it is environmentally friendly mainly lies in whether the glue used in wooden doors is environmentally friendly, and whether the content of heavy metals in opaque coated wooden doors exceeds the standard. From the production method, solid wood door may be slightly less than latex content, but as long as it meets the national standards, it is environmentally friendly. The processed finished product solid wood door has the characteristics of environmental protection, deformation, filial piety, corrosion resistance, difficulty in cracking, thermal insulation and so on. At the same time, it also has good acoustic performance and effectively plays a role in anacoustic. However, the craft quality of solid wood door has high requirements, and its advantages are luxurious and beautiful, and unique shape. Through the integration of modern precision technology and traditional hand carving technology, solid wood door reflects more artistic value, but the market price is high, which is a high-grade wooden door product. Due to structural problems, solid wood composite door has the characteristics of stability, deformation, filial piety, difficulty in cracking, heat preservation, sound insulation, impact resistance, flame retardant, etc. It solves door core board cracking and deformation caused by seasonal changes, different average moisture content in different regions, inherent dry shrinkage and wet expansion of wood and various differences, and white edge phenomenon caused by shrinkage around the door core board after painting. The materials and styles of solid wood composite door are more diverse, giving consumers a wider selection space. Misunderstanding 3: it is more cost-effective to buy cheap goods "Choosing cheap" is the consumption psychology of many people, and many consumers naturally think that the cheaper the wooden door, the more cost-effective it is. ? Professional doubts: when buying wooden doors, you should carefully choose the cheapest products. Products with lower prices than the normal market are usually products with accumulated products, trial production products, processing for reasons or quality that may not meet the standard requirements. After such products are used for a period of time, quality problems may not occur, or quality problems may gradually be exposed. Most of the quality problems of low-cost wooden doors will be gradually exposed after several years of use, and once they occur, they will be difficult to repair. On the contrary, high-quality products usually have a service life of 20-30 years or even longer, and pay a reasonable price. What you get will be comfortable and assured along with the whole process of using wooden doors. Myth 4: The lower the formaldehyde release, the better When choosing wooden doors, many people require that the lower the formaldehyde emission, the better. They think that wooden doors with lower emission will be more environmentally friendly. Professional solution: free formaldehyde emission is indeed the most important environmental protection indicator of wooden doors. Free Formaldehyde is inherent in all resin adhesive products produced with uraldehyde man-made Board as adhesive. Because free formaldehyde is harmful to human body, the state has issued mandatory standards GB18580 interior decoration materials, man-made Board and its products formaldehyde release limit strictly limits the free formaldehyde release of man-made board substrate. However, consumers should correctly view this environmental protection indicator, and the lower the free formaldehyde emission, the better. Free formaldehyde affects the strength of man-made board products to some extent, and uraldehyde man-made Board should be used as adhesive for the production of resin adhesive base materials of wooden doors. If free formaldehyde is too low, the strength of wood composite door products is difficult to be guaranteed and the quality is relatively poor. Generally speaking, compared with other large-area indoor decoration materials, inner door accounts for only a small part, and its free formaldehyde release only accounts for a small part in the family. Therefore, as long as the free formaldehyde emission meets inner door of the national mandatory standards, consumers can rest assured to choose.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief