Quickly Remedy the Problem of Solid Wood Door Cracking through the following Six Steps

Generally, solid wood door will inevitably bump during transportation and use, coupled with the continuous change of moisture content, especially in autumn, there will often be some cracks on the facade. Timely repair of cracking places can prevent or delay the occurrence and development of these damage phenomena and prolong the service life of solid wood door. In daily life, you can quickly remedy the problem of solid wood door cracking through the following six steps. Remedy for cracking of wooden doors Step 1: Prepare some old newspapers and cut them into scraps with scissors. Step 2: Add appropriate amount of alum to paper scrap and stir evenly. Step 3: Pour the mixture of paper scrap and alum into the prepared container, add a small amount of clean water, and stir again. Step 4: Place the container on a slow fire and cook it into a paste. During the cooking process, it should be continuously stirred. Step 5: Fill the cooked paste mixture into the cracks of solid wood door and let it natural drying. Step 6: Paint pen or special wooden door healing pen on the filling area to make it coordinate with the whole wooden door color. This method is simple and convenient, and the materials are also very common. Solid wood door picture In addition, the autumn atmosphere is gradually approaching. Solid wood door pay attention to the following problems to reduce the cracking probability. 1. Keep away from heat source Solid wood door should also be far away from heat sources. Solid wood door of the paint surface should avoid direct sunlight, because strong ultraviolet radiation can easily fade the paint surface and affect the appearance. 2. Commonly used oil wax glazing Solid wood door daily wiping is also exquisite. Soft cotton cloth should be used when wiping. Cotton cloth can be slightly trendy, but it cannot be wet. It should be wiped according to the texture of wood, avoid wiping with alcohol and other chemical solvents or cleaners to avoid corrosion of wooden door paint and cracking of paint surface. In order to avoid the phenomenon of dullness and fading of wooden doors after a period of use, the wooden doors can be waxed and other corresponding treatments on a regular basis.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief