When Summer Comes to Autumn, We Need to Pay Attention to Some Unique Decoration Problems of Wooden Doors.

Summer passed, and the weather began to get cold at the time of autumn, while the decoration gradually became "hot. Consumers with decoration experience all know that autumn is the golden period of decoration, and there will be many congenital advantages in decoration during this period. For example, due to dry climate, wooden boards are not easy to return to tide, paint and paint are also easy to dry, and the pleasant climate is also conducive to the construction of the staff, etc. However, there are also some unique decoration problems that need our attention. The editor summarized several points, hoping to add bricks to the owners of decoration in such a beautiful season. 1 Diligent ventilation reduces air pollution A large amount of gas pollution will be generated during the decoration process, and the autumn wind is strong, and the frequency of wind is also very frequent. If the home is often ventilated, it is conducive to improving the indoor air quality, reduce the probability of indoor gas pollution. 2 Wallpaper hydrating anti-deformation In summer, the air is humid. After the wallpaper and wall covering fabric are laid, open the doors and windows to make the wall dry quickly. However, the autumn climate is relatively dry, so the wallpaper and wall covering fabric must be soaked in water to replenish water before being laid, and then brushed and pasted. After laying, it should also be allowed to dry naturally in the shade, so as to prevent the newly laid wallpaper from being blown by the "wind through the hall" to lose water deformation. 3 Wood needs oil sealing and moisturizing The autumn air is dry and paint coating easy to dry. In order to avoid improper trouble, do not place the wood transported to the site in a ventilated place and seal the oil to prevent small cracks on the wood surface. The wood thread used for edge closing is solid wood texture, and the moisture content is higher than trim board. After processing, the surface should also be sealed to prevent the appearance of trim board. 4 Color selection is suitable for all seasons When the climate turns cold, people will involuntarily favor warm colors when decorating, resulting in inconsistent colors with the original intention. Therefore, we should objectively examine our tendency when purchasing building materials, give full play to space imagination, and create a home environment suitable for each season's climate. 5 Don't worry about repairing in autumn After the decorated rooms in spring and summer enter autumn, there will be cracks and gaps of different degrees. It is best not to repair them immediately. Because the cracking is caused by the gradual volatilization of moisture in the wall. If the "channel" of moisture Volatilization is repaired at this time, the moisture will continue to volatilize, and the wall may crack again. Therefore, we should wait until the spring of next year, experience the obvious change of temperature difference between the four seasons, dry crack and deformation problems are no longer developed before one-time repair. 6 Fire and explosion proof are very important Most decoration materials belong to inflammable, paint, paint, thinner and so on are easy to volatilize, and their explosive concentration limit is 1.5% to 1.7%. Within this range, starting electric tools, the very small spark generated by plug-in power socket may lead to danger. Therefore, the storage place of these materials must be kept at an appropriate distance from the tools operated by live electricity. 7 Don't scribble the end of the festival. There are many people decorating in autumn, and engineering teams and workers often neglect the quality in order to rush for work and grab projects. In addition, autumn and winter are the season when Chinese traditional festivals are concentrated. Most of the home decoration and construction workers will go home for the holidays, so they work faster at this time. Therefore, compared with other seasons, autumn workers grind their jobs, the phenomenon of delaying the construction period is relatively rare, but in this way, it is inevitable that the work is rough. Therefore, the owner must be reminded to be careful and strictly check the project. Editor's summary There are problems that should be paid attention to in summer decoration, and autumn is no exception. Due to the great differences in each season, the problems that should be paid attention to in the decoration process of each season are different, therefore, the editor hopes that the owners of the decoration can be classified into different categories, suit the remedy to the case, and contribute their own modest power to creating a good home environment.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief