for the Purchase of Wooden Doors, Different Wooden Doors Have Different Choices and Feel Different.

Because doors have various shapes, rich styles, exquisite European-style carvings, classical Chinese-style assorted flowers, or modern fashion, doors with different decorative styles give consumers a broad selection space, doors occupy an important position in people's living homes, and for the choice of wooden doors, most consumers also choose blindly according to their own likes. There is no good standard for the purchase of wooden doors, consumers should pay attention to that different wooden doors have different choices and feel different. 1. Structural parts Observe whether the corner paint of various moulding line is cracked; Check whether there are gaps and diagonal lines at the joints of cross-band veneer and moulding line; Observe whether the paint of the assembly part of the assembly door is cracked, the phenomenon of obvious gap in assembly part; Check whether the door leaf is bent or twisted; Check whether the linear shape is round and smooth, whether there is bulge and depression; Observe whether there is obvious collapse phenomenon in fixed studs eyes. 2. Size Due to the reasons of the house type and the height of the floor, for inner door of this house type, the height should exceed the usual standard (2100mm), the sizes of inner door of some villas we usually make are often 2200 * 900mm, 2300 * 900mm, 2400 * 900mm, etc. 3. Lintel In addition to the entrance door, inner door of the Villa should be added with lintel on wood composite door according to the situation. Lintel can make the whole set of doors look very stylish and classy, which adds a lot of color to the decoration effect! The meaning of lintel The so-called lintel is the beam on the upper part of the door frame above the main door, which is usually thick and solid wooden. In ancient times, according to the establishment system, only the residence where the officials lived in the court could mark the lintel above the main gate. Ordinary civilians were not allowed to have lintel, even if you were a big family, the rich side, without official identity, similarly, the lintel cannot be marked on the house door. These are all the highlights of status. The popular word "light shines the lintel" is actually an intuitive expression of people's yearning for power and wealth. 4. Style Door style is generally based on the designer's design style, combined with what he likes, and then, based on the designer's opinions, and then make the right choice. 5. Paint appearance There are no particles on the surface, no traces of ribs, no pit collapse, and appearance of wooden skin and brown eyes; The overall color is consistent; The luminosity conforms to the sample standard; Touching all corners with the back of the hand will feel rounded, no scratch phenomenon. Thousands of households are using wooden doors. Some families use wooden doors for bathroom doors. The wood itself will be damaged when it meets the tide, and the bathroom doors will be more easily damaged when it meets the tide.

Editor: Chinese wardrobe network | -- dog thief