The Wooden Door Has Been Used for a Long Time, and the Surface Begins to Turn Black and Rough. How Can We Renovate the Wooden Door?

The wooden door has been used for a long time, and the surface begins to turn black and rough. It costs a lot of money to buy a new door, so how to renovate the wooden door? The simplest way is to paint again. Moreover, only by painting yourself can you achieve the desired effect, so how to paint the wooden door at home? Today, I will teach you a few tricks. Step 1: remove decorations such as handles Remove the handles and other decorations on the wooden door to prevent the hand from being scratched in the next step, which is also conducive to the uniformity of painting. Step 2: Polish 1. Use flint glass paper to polish all the places that need to be painted. Pay attention to the corner not to polish too much, and keep the original shape of the wooden door. 2. Touch the cloth with water, make it semi-wet, and wipe the powder on the newly polished wooden door clean. 3. Take fine sandpaper and polish it again. Pay attention to the corner for two things. 4. Clean up the powder with a wet cloth. This one is very important, so the wooden door is painted stronger. Step 3: Paint 1. Take paint and brush, and open the paint cover. 2. Stick the brush in paint bucket, don't touch too much paint at a time. 3. The rule of painting is from top to bottom, from left to right. 4. Pay attention to the corner and the hidden place also need to be painted. Step 4: Dry Place the painted wooden door for four to five hours and wait until the paint is dry. Step 5: Polish it again After the paint is dry, take fine sandpaper and polish the wooden door again from beginning to end. This time the polishing is to polish the uneven parts of the paint to a flat level, which is beneficial to continue painting later. Step 6: painting for the second time Follow the third step above to perform the second painting. Note that if the paint is too thick, you can add appropriate amount of rubber water, dilute the paint and brush it. Then continue to dry and Polish. Step 7: painting the third time Brush the paint again according to the above steps, so that the paint of the wooden door will be finished. Step 8: install decorations such as handles Install the decorations removed from the first step. In this way, the whole wooden door is painted. At this time, you will find that the paint on the wooden door is even and beautiful, and the whole room is beautiful.

Editor: Chinese wardrobe net-dog thief