In Order to Live Comfortably, You Have to Understand the Door Frame Decoration Skills.

In general home decoration, the door frame is generally the same color as the skirting line, and there are also door frames and doors using the same color; About doors, door frames, skirting lines, the color matching of these three is generally not recommended to jump too much. It is better to choose uniform or similar colors; Try to avoid the situation that the color difference is too far (even the reverse color), otherwise, it is easy to pretend to be a failure! Let's share some BEYINKA door frame matching cases, you can refer to learn! 1. Door and door frame are similar in color Door and door frame with similar color is the choice of most family decoration, this kind of decoration is relatively simple and elegant, the overall visual sense is harmonious and unified, easy to control the color matching; 2. Reverse color of door and door frame Relatively speaking, the color difference between the door and the door frame is the decoration of some strong individual owners. They pursue some bold attempts that others dare not do and hope that they are different from others; xiao Yun does not recommend that for ordinary families. It is difficult to control the color matching. It is easy to make mistakes!

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief