What Are the Reasons for the Price Fluctuation of Wooden Door Products? Do You Know the "Doorway"

For many families who are ready to decorate, buying wooden doors is a difficult thing. This is a difficult problem, not only in the purchase and installation process, but also in the price aspect. Because even in the same store, different brands, the same product, the price is likely to be different. What are the reasons for the price fluctuation of wooden door products? After various comparisons, the editor found some of the "doorways". The price component of a wooden door can be divided into rigid components: wooden door plate, hardware, paint, manufacturing technology, etc. The soft part includes: transportation and installation services, store operating costs and brand added value. Hard part is the cost faced by the whole industry, which is related to the development of the market and various social factors and is relatively difficult to control. For example, the price difference between two wooden doors marked with the same material is very large, or there is a problem between the "real" and "fake" of the material, either the paint selection of the door is very different. It is possible that one fan uses green paint, while the other one uses high-quality and inexpensive paint. Different manufacturers also have large differences in processing technology, which will also lead to price differences. Although the soft part seems invisible, it may also cause differences in price. In the hard price component, the price increase of each price component will lead to the overall price increase of wooden doors. Such as the selection of wood materials, hardware and paint. In the soft part, consumers have no "true" or "false" consideration, and many wooden door manufacturers do not charge for installation and other services, but some cases are not excluded. In addition, changes in operating costs and operating costs of each terminal link will also drive the price of wooden door products to change accordingly. Rather than the "water" depth of wooden door products, it is better to understand that the price composition of wooden door products is too "wide", which in turn leads to the fluctuation of wooden door products. When consumers purchase wooden door products, they need to deeply understand the factors that affect the price changes of wooden doors before purchasing with their own economic strength and demand. In particular, we should pay attention to distinguish the hard parts of wooden door price, and do not let unscrupulous manufacturers pretend to be real, causing their own economic losses. At the same time, the soft part cannot be ignored. The soft part often represents the strength and attitude of a wooden door enterprise and has certain influence on the quality of the whole wooden door.

Editor: China Door Industry Network-dog thief