How Can I Choose High-quality Soundproof Doors and Windows?

In order to reduce the purification of music, the authorities adopted a number of steps to ease the music performance to some extent, but many citizens are still not satisfied. Seeking a quieter living environment, choosing some useful sound insulation materials and "arming one's own house" have become the result of great public concern. Soundproof doors and windows may sponsor you to stop the disturbance of general manager Lin Lin and make your home quiet. Then how to choose soundproof doors and windows?

1. Window frame

developers usually use aluminum alloy as usual, but aluminum alloy is a single cavity with relatively thin walls, and the sound can easily penetrate, while the multi-cavity of plastic steel profiles is thicker than that of aluminum alloy, the sound does not penetrate easily.


2. Sound deadening strip

most of the developers choose aluminum window frame with rubber sound deadening strip or wool sound deadening strip, but wool sound deadening strip can be easily removed after being used for a long time. The capacity of rubber becomes hard and aging after being used for a long time, therefore, sound deadening strip should not only prevent aging but also stick to toughness. At present, there is a kind of entrance City Road in the sound deadening strip market. The surface is wrapped with leather materials, and the surface is sound-absorbing sponge. In this way, stick to toughness and not aging easily, the seal of the sound leakage point of the window frame is well guaranteed.


3. More nervous "soundproof glass"

now there are mainly hollow glass, laminated glass and vacuum glass in the market. The first two prices range from over one hundred to over 700 or 800 thousand. I haven't said much about the glass of 100 or 200. It's all street stalls with sound insulation. Most of the companies that do soundproof doors and windows in their spare time are laminated glass and hollow glass. The consequences of this kind of glass can also be expected. However, it is not ideal for the low-frequency music consequences generated when the vehicle speed is faster.


The application of vacuum glass vacuum can not flow sound, after the device can be 30-40 dB noise reduction. The height of the floor is like more than 20 floors and there is no train nearby. Large trailers and so on can probably choose hollow glass or laminated glass; low floors and close to the road may be close to the viaduct and adjacent low frequency noise sources, then we should consider using vacuum glass, such ability to completely solve the music performance.

4. Seal the surrounding frame after the device is finished

at the moment of making soundproof window, some small cracks were left in several cities around the window frame, so it was necessary to stick around the window with silicon sealant after the device. The surrounding Seal seems simple, but it is still necessary to find amateur apprentices to do the abnormal perfection of ability.

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Of course, when choosing soundproof doors and windows, we must pay attention to small skills. Some wooden furniture is better than any furniture. Wooden furniture usually has certain sound absorption effect; Laying some carpets indoors, in particular, the effect of sound absorption of a thicker carpet is extremely strong; You can put rubber pad under the foot of the bed, so that you may reduce the resonance caused by passing vehicles, which is also anacoustic good way; put the cabinet on the wall facing the noise source, such as the music generated by the resonance of the wall into the room, it will be at the end of the cabinet.

Of course, for newly decorated families, they may consider crowding out the floor (similar to Japanese tatami). In this way, it may be useful to cut off the wall resonance from high altitude. At the same time, there are some decorations hanging on the wall, so it may be possible to make the sound reflect towards this divergence, and there will be less reply.

Sound-proof doors and windows still have a great sponsorship for everyone. I hope the owners can choose the sound-proof doors and windows themselves properly when decorating the house.