Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Installation Specifications (Preparation)

The excellent characteristics of aluminum alloy doors and windows are beginning to be accepted and put into use by more and more people. However, due to irregular installation, many functions of doors and windows are not well displayed, today, I will ask you about the installation specifications of aluminum alloy doors and windows.

Let's talk about it first. Installation specification for aluminum alloy doors and windows what preparations should be made before construction:

1. Aluminum alloy door and window profile thickness specifications and models should meet the design requirements and should have factory certificate.

2. The hardware accessories used for aluminum alloy doors and windows should match the model of doors and windows. It is better to use SST part for zero accessories and fixed parts. If other materials are used, anti-corrosion treatment must be carried out.

3. Anti-corrosion materials and thermal insulation materials shall meet the requirements of the drawings and shall have the factory certificate of the products.

4. Cement medium sand above 325 is prepared as required. Chongqing is very fine sand area. Small particle size fish rice stone can be added in proportion to fine sand.


5. The connecting iron feet and connecting iron plates fixed to the structure shall be prepared according to the specifications required by the drawings. And do a good job of anti-corrosion treatment.

6. The specification and model of welding rod should be consistent with the welded weldments and should have factory certificate.

7. The variety and model of caulking materials and sealant shall meet the design requirements.

8. Anti-rust paint, iron screen or aluminum yarn, yarn strips, etc. shall meet the design requirements and have the factory certificate of the product.

9. In the installation specification of aluminum alloy doors and windows, the specification and model of the sealing strip should meet the design requirements. The adhesive should match the material of the sealing strip and have the factory certificate of the product.

10. Main tools aluminum alloy cutting machine, electric hand drill, round file, semicircle needle file file, cross screwdriver, Scratch awl, Iron Foot, compasses, steel ruler, straight steel ruler, steel rulers, awl, hammer, shovel, spatula, bucket, water brush, welding machine, welding wire, mask, welding rod, etc.