It Is Better to Ask Someone to Install the Composite Wood Door Cover Treasure Book!

Consumers will still choose to buy products of some well-known brands, because they feel more at ease. I bought it back at wood door cover. How to install it is difficult? It is too troublesome to ask someone for help. It also needs to spend money. It is difficult to find the information. What can I do? Ask for help. The following tutorial on installing composite wood door cover will help you. I hope it will help you!

I. Installation of composite wood door cover 1. Check all parts and parts of wooden door pocket first to see if there are any omissions. Generally, wooden door pocket will include a top frame with a length of about 823mm. 2. Strip side frame, length 210mm; Door casing; Front door frame line; Rear door frame line; Mute strip; Door stop line; Fixed iron piece; Expansion screws; Wood screw, etc., make sure all parts are neat. After checking, assemble the top frame and side frame. At one end of the side frame, there will be processed fixing steps and drilled holes for fixing. After the two side frames are aligned with the top frame, fix them with wood screw. There will be countersunk holes on the side of the frame, and fix them with expansion screws. After the left and right side frames are fixed, a through groove can be opened at the backsaw connection to facilitate smooth lines. 3. Use a temporary fixed wooden square under the composite wood door cover to correct the wooden door cover to form a vertical square.

II. Door opening installation 1. After the composite wood door cover combination is fixed, it can be installed in the entry hole. Adjust the gap of each part, adjust the straight with wooden wedge, and pad the door frame tightly. 2. When installing, use the expansion screw to punch holes on the wall with the expansion screw hole on the side frame impact drill, and install the expansion screw to lock it. If it is installed with fixed iron piece, punch holes in the corresponding reserved position and lock with self-tapping screws. 3. After the fixing is completed, fill door set or cement slurry in the gap between the Styrofoam and the wall. 4. After the filled cement slurry or foaming agent is dried, remove the excess part, and temporarily fix the wooden square can be removed. 5. Use door frame line for the first door frame line and the second adhesive in the corresponding position of the door frame, and cut the layer at the angle of 45 degrees. 6. Insert door casing into the reserved through Groove. Different wall widths have different insertion depths. When combining, the joint angle should also be cut into 45 degrees. 7. Use nail gun to fix the door stop tailor's tack on the door casing, and then fix the entry stop line and mute bar. The final effect is that the door stop line just presses door frame line of the front and rear seams. 8. Handle the surface cleaning of the composite wood door cover and complete the installation of the wooden door cover. The products of first-line compound solid wooden door brands are also very colorful. Although they are all products, the design value is one of the magic weapons of big brands bedroom door. Because compared with other compound solid wooden door brands, compound solid wooden door of the first-line bedroom door brands have their own design teams. TATA wooden door-provides owners with complete measure gauge services such as free chain style, design, quotation and price, building materials and household products F2C (factory directly to consumers). This article is from TATA wooden door official website and is for reference only. Editor: China door and window network -- ak