If You Want to Have a Clear Window, You Should Know the Correct Maintenance!

A beautiful window can change the monotonous life, It can transmit the colorful world. Windows are the main source of light in the room, If the windows are dirty, the light may not shine smoothly into the room, It is also impossible to use sunlight to disinfect the room. How to wipe the windows at home is foggy Doors and windows are always easy to get Gray and not bright Take a look at the small methods provided below.

Newspaper Prepare clean water for wet towel and scrub the glass of the window. Rub it into a group and dry it with a newspaper The ink in the newspaper can absorb oil stains, which has better effect on kitchen doors and windows. Or wipe with a newspaper while spraying water with sprinkling can So don't throw away the old newspapers you usually read. It is good to keep the greasy doors and windows Many people will install car window shade by the window, which can not only ensure indoor ventilation, but also effectively prevent mosquitoes from entering. For car window shade cleaning Just add clean water and detergent to sprinkling can Then spray car window shade wet and cover the newspaper Continue to wet the newspaper After a few minutes, remove the newspaper and replace it with a clean newspaper. Car window shade will be automatically cleaned after two or three times

Onion Cut the onion in half, rub the glass with the onion cut, and then wipe it with a clean dry cloth quickly before the onion juice is dry.

Wine At ordinary times, the remaining beer can be used for window cleaning, because beer has rich foam, and the alcohol contained in it can quickly volatilize without leaving marks like water, and white wine also has effects. When using, prepare two clean rags first, one wet and one dry. Clean the glass with wet rags and then dry the glass with dry rags.

Vinegar Vinegar is one of our common condiments. When using vinegar to clean the glass, first use a wet cloth to dip a certain amount of vinegar, or heat the vinegar, and then directly clean the glass; you can also mix the water and vinegar according to the ratio of 2:1, then put it into spray bottle, spray the glass locally, and then wipe it with a dry rag. Vinegar can effectively corrode oil stains, and the effect of wiping oil stains on kitchen doors and windows or kitchen lights is also remarkable.

Toothpaste For some stubborn stains on the glass, you can use toothpaste to clean it, because the toothpaste itself has the cleaning force and slight particle feeling, which will cause friction when cleaning the glass, so as to achieve the cleaning effect. When using, squeeze the toothpaste on the rag first, then wipe it at the stain point, and finally wipe it with a clean rag.

Potato peel The starch content in potato peel is extremely rich, and starch will expand when it meets water and produce adsorption capacity. In addition to dust, the windows are easy to leave oil stains or fingerprints. It can be easily done with potato skins!

Rice water If you want to make the glass not easy to get Gray, you can use Taomi water at home. When window cleaning, you can directly use Taomi water to window cleaning. It is not only very clean, but also can not get gray for a long time. Window dust It is also a clear feeling Wind blowing from the window Without leaving home, you can also introduce the outside scenery into the interior. Choose a good door and window for a secure home Editor: China door and window network -- ak