Guide for Joining Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows

China's aluminum alloy brands can be divided into Guangdong pie (namely Foshan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou), Northern pie (Beijing) and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai pie. Brands and enterprises in each region have their own unique characteristics. For example, the Northern and Jiangsu-Zhejiang schools are characterized by serious polarization of product positioning, or high positioning, which is only suitable for entering some local high-end stores, or low-end products that are only suitable for low-end stores. In addition, they mainly produce semi-finished products. This brand or enterprise is only suitable for distributors who have their own equipment and factories to process locally.


Introduction to joining investment

1. Less than 100000

Store requirements: less than 30 ㎡, or no requirements.

Business model: mainly run concurrently, some require monopoly.

Security deposit: 5, 6000 or none.

Franchise Fee: basically none.

Invest in brand image store display below 100000



Store requirements: 60-80 ㎡.

Business model: Monopoly mainly, some can be concurrently operated.

Security deposit: 1-30000 or none.

Franchise Fee: basically none.

Invest 10-200000 in brand image store display



Store requirements: 80-150 ㎡.

Business model: Monopoly is the main business, and very few can run concurrently.

Security deposit: 1-30000 or none.

Franchise Fee: basically no, some of them charge thousands to tens of thousands, and others charge different franchise fees according to provincial capital cities, prefecture-level cities and county towns.

Invest 20-500000 in brand image store display


4. Above 500000

Store requirements: 80 ㎡ or more.

Business model: monopoly.

Security deposit: 1-100000.

Franchise Fee: basically none.

Invest more than 500000 in brand image store display


At the same time, we have to do the following: "If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle."

1. Manufacturer comparison

With the rapid development of the Internet era, the first channel for aluminum alloy doors and windows to join is naturally the network, and many people will search for relevant key manufacturers through the network. Indeed, we can make a comprehensive comparison on the internet. After all, your customers will definitely see what you see. However, there are too many false elements in the network. The key is to investigate and compare manufacturers on the spot, or go to nearby outlets to check.

2. Factory inspection

After comparison, we can select suitable manufacturers, and the next step is to go to the factory for inspection. We should be prepared to inspect the manufacturers, that is, if the ears are not heard, the eyes are real, keep the empty cup mentality, and don't trust other manufacturers to comment on the favorite manufacturers too much. In the process of inspecting the manufacturer, we should pay attention to the details. First, corporate culture; Second, production line; Third, workshop product quality; Fourth, exhibition hall decoration style.

3. Negotiate policies

After understanding each manufacturer before, we locked several companies and started to negotiate policies. When talking about policies, we must take the bottom line of the manufacturers and try our best to get more discounts. Do not expose your love for manufacturers too early, or you will be passive. In addition, the policies of each manufacturer are different. We must find some honest manufacturers. It is better to have a clear contract without any cheating.

After three steps, I believe that aluminum alloy doors and windows can find a suitable brand. Finally, I wish you a successful investment!