It Is Also a Pit to Choose Paint If It Is Not Good. Six Mistakes of Painting Should Be Avoided Early.

Choosing paint seems simple It is actually very poor Friends who decorate must play the spirit of 12 points Six mistakes avoided in painting Zero VOC is the best

VOC is an important indicator of environmental protection of coatings. Normally, the lower the quality, the better. However, it should be noted that if VOC content decreases, the viscosity of coatings will also decrease relatively, after brushing, problems such as powder shedding, foaming and cracking will also come one after another, so there is no need to excessively pursue VOC content to ensure compliance with national standards. No smell is environmentally friendly

it is either inodorous paint or green paint paint. Some manufacturers will add essence and other methods to realize that the paint is odorless. Therefore, the environmental protection should be judged according to the test report and formaldehyde test data. Pursuit of self-cleaning and scrub resistance

many people pursue functions such as scrub-resistant and self-cleaning too much when choosing paint. In fact, the stain resistance of paint is not as good as expected, and wipe the wall times in general life are not much, therefore, you do not need to rely too much on such functions when purchasing. Anti-cracking paint must be anti-cracking

many people think that anti-cracking paint will not crack. In fact, this is not the case. Good paint relieves the cracking speed of wall surface to some extent, but it does not mean that it will not crack. The remaining paint is poured back to the barrel for next use

do not pour the unused paint back into the bucket, because the paint that has been opened has a short shelf life. If it is not used up, it should be disposed of, and it is useless to keep it. Save money, save Labor, don't want to use primer

primer can close the wall base and improve the adhesion of Topcoat. If there is no primer, it will lead to excessive absorption of topcoat by the front, which will easily lead to discoloration and shedding. Editor: China door and window network -- ak