Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows What Is the Reason for the Big Difference in Price?

From the aspects of material cost, process cost, window type, installation and service, this paper analyzes broken bridge aluminum doors and windows the cause of industry water depth, from which we also understand the same broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, there is a big difference in price, but even so, many owners will still be blinded by bad merchants! In marketing psychology, there is a psychology called "expected effect", which means that subjective expectation can obviously change people's judgment on things: People's preferences Sometimes it is not based on actual experience. But set the answer in advance. What you heard Is what you want to hear What you see Is what you want to see In broken bridge aluminum doors and windows during the purchase, those bad merchants took advantage of this mentality to successfully fool smart owners onto the ship one after another. What marketing techniques can be used to successfully and effectively grasp the expected pain points of owners? Speech 1. We don't advertise. Our cost is not as high as theirs, so the price is low. Most owners believe in such a truth: "wool comes from sheep". A large number of advertisements to publicize their products are bound to increase the production cost of the products. Only by increasing the sales price of the products can profits be realized. The bad merchants just use the cost rule of "wool comes from sheep" to set a low price answer for the owners in advance. In fact, the role of advertising is a marketing method that is widely informed. At the same time, it also shows that merchants have enough confidence to let more consumers supervise their products and services. There must be different service standards and quality standards behind the low price! Service standards and quality standards are different, how to compare? Lesson 2: our broken bridge aluminum doors and windows and Brand broken bridge aluminum doors and windows exactly the same As the saying goes, "the inside Guard, the layman watching the fun" Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows people in the industry know that the real broken bridge aluminum doors and windows standard cost:

Fengaluminum Broken Bridge 90 aluminum heat barrier material: 340 yuan/square meter

5 12 5 pairs tempered insulation glass: 80 yuan/square meter

Cost of standard hardware accessories:

Wheel 4*6.4=25.6 yuan

Crescent lock 1*12=12 yuan total: 37.6 yuan, 20 yuan per square meter

Standard Zhijiang glue: 26 pieces, one can use 1.5 square meters in total: 17.3 yuan

Standard foaming agent: 18 pieces, one 2 square meters total: 9 yuan

The pure cost is 466 yuan

However, those low-cost broken bridge aluminum costs may be calculated as follows:

Materials from unknown sources: 240 yuan

Glass: 80 yuan

General accessories: Wheels 4*1.8=7.2 yuan

Ordinary lock: 1*2.5=2.5 yuan

A total of 9.7 yuan, about 6 yuan per square meter

Glue: 6 yuan per piece, 4 yuan per square meter

Foaming: 8 yuan per piece, 4 yuan per square meter

The total cost is 334 yuan, including installation fee.

If the above is true broken bridge aluminum doors and windows someone makes 480 yuan, can you believe it? Therefore, low-cost doors and windows and brands broken bridge aluminum doors and windows exactly the same, just another expected result set by bad merchants to owners, mastering the low price psychology that owners want, and successfully marketing products. Lesson 3: Our cost performance is higher Generally, pragmatic owners pay attention to cost performance, and so do many friends around the editor. For example, when buying clothes, bags, shoes and other consumer goods, they never pay attention to brands, as long as it feels suitable or good-looking, I will buy it. Using Pragmatic consumption concept to set a empathy expected result for owners is also one of the stock-in-trade bad merchants. However, please remember that your own doors and windows are the guarantee related to the safety of your family. We cannot simply evaluate its cost performance from the appearance or a few words of sales staff, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows the comprehensive factors such as function, material and service are the cost performance we really want to refer! Speech 4. You can go to the field to inspect our door and window factory. "There are policies and countermeasures" should not happen less in our life, right? There is never a shortage of professional actors to direct good plays in advance! During the sales process of doors and windows, some bad merchants also use this kind of routine to gain the trust of the owners, in order to add an expected result to the owners: they have their own factories and are also standardized production, trustworthy! Editor: China door and window network -- ak