Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Comprehensive Analysis of Three Major Causes of Corrosion of Door and Window Hardware Accessories

Although aluminum alloy door and window hardware has strong corrosion resistance, it still poses a great threat to aluminum door and window hardware due to the influence of air, climate and other factors. The causes of air and environment are mainly reflected in air humidity, ambient temperature and air pollution.

1. Air humidity

it is easy to understand that aluminum alloy door and window hardware is exposed to humid air for a long time, and the moisture in the air will condense into liquid water drops, thus forming corrosive primary batteries on the surface of aluminum door and window hardware, accelerate electrolytic corrosion of door and window hardware. Therefore, air humidity is the main incentive. When the humidity reaches a certain critical value, there will be water mask shapes, so the corrosion of aluminum alloy doors and windows hardware is inevitable.

Therefore, it is particularly important for us to keep the doors and windows dry and the indoor environment ventilated and dry. In hot and humid weather, keep good ventilation and wipe frequently to ensure the doors and windows are dry.

2. Temperature

in summer with high temperature and damp heat, the corrosion of aluminum doors and windows hardware will be accelerated with the increase of temperature. At the same time, coupled with the large temperature difference between day and night, a large amount of water and gas will condense at night, further accelerating the corrosion process. The longer the damp time is, the more serious the corrosion of aluminum door and window hardware is. Generally speaking, when the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 6℃ and the temperature changes within the range of 5℃ to 50℃, condensation will occur as long as the relative humidity reaches 65%-75%.

Aluminum Alloy door and window cleaning maintenance

3. Air pollution

in recent years, environmental pollution has become increasingly serious, and the air is filled with PM2.5, sulfide and corrosive medium. Acid and alkali substances will be adsorbed on the hardware of aluminum doors and windows, which will cause acid and alkali corrosion to the hardware. At the same time, because of air pollution, acid rain occurs frequently, which is also a threat to aluminum doors and windows hardware. In addition to acid and alkali corrosion, carbon powder particles and metal powder in the air, adsorbed on the surface of aluminum doors and windows will also form a surge with aluminum doors and windows hardware, causing electrolytic corrosion.

Therefore, the daily anti-corrosion work of aluminum doors and windows hardware requires us to take care of the environment from ourselves in addition to ensuring the cleanliness and drying of doors and windows. In addition, we also need to do cleaning and maintenance work for aluminum doors and windows on time.