Broken Bridge Casement Window Is Not Dirt-Resistant? Please Put Away Some Tips for Life Cleaning ~

Those things Dust and stains not only affect the overall beauty of the home and the lighting of the room, but also accelerate the aging of doors and windows and endanger the safety of the family. Those thoughts As the casement window of broken bridges are often faced with wind and rain, the feature of being not resistant to dirt has formed a consensus in everyone's mind. As the eyes of home, how to deal with dust and stains and what to pay attention. Those ideas

1 Ordinary Flushing The Broken Bridge casement window not only consists of window frames, but also contains window glass, hardware, and even voile. In the Windows cleaning tape voile, the voile should be removed, placed near the bathtub or bathtub, and washed gently with a hose or shower to remove the spider web stuck on the form and other dirt. 2 vinegar water cleaning Glass is the most common place for dust absorption and oil pollution. During the cleaning process, the glass can be sprayed with vinegar water first, and then pasted with plastic wrap to soften the condensed oil stains. Then, after ten minutes, tear off the plastic wrap, then wash it with a soft wet cloth. 3-fold wash For dust and other dirt, Yihe doors and windows are recommended to hold some water in a bucket, soak the short hair brush first, and then gently scrub in circles to produce more foam, finally, rinse and dry with water to achieve the desired effect. 4 sponge cleaning The sponge has good flexibility. Cut the sponge into the width of the Broken Bridge casement window track, slowly penetrate into the gap between doors and windows, and easily clean up the dirt left in the gap between doors and windows. 5 silicon sealant beautiful seam Some Broken Bridges casement window have gap unglue, which can be directly treated with glass, which can not only make beautiful joints, but also be waterproof and mildew-proof. No need to invite decoration workers, you can easily handle it at home. Those precautions

1. The broken bridge casement window can be scrubbed with soft cloth with clean water or neutral scrubbing agent, and cannot be scrubbed with ordinary fan and washing powder, and cannot be scrubbed with strong acid and alkali cleaners such as stain removing powder and toilet detergent. 2. In the process of using the broken bridge casement window, it should be gently pushed and pulled to let nature take its course. If you find any difficulty, do not force it. You should first eliminate the fault. 3. Keep the door frame clean, especially Slot broaching clean. Operation mode: vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dust accumulation of wool tops in the groove and door seal. In general, a beautiful broken bridge casement window can change the monotonous life and give more vitality to the space. Editor: China door and window network -- ak