Key Points of Sunshine Room Decoration Design


Many people want to have a sunshine room at home to add a little emotional appeal to the busy life. But in the city where every inch of land and every inch of gold, how can the sunshine room make the feeling of warm sunshine. In fact, the most important thing to decorate the Sunshine Room is to do a good job in the decoration design of the Sunshine Room. Today, I would like to introduce the main points and design strategies of sunshine room decoration.

Sunshine room decoration design strategy

1. Lighting advantages

the characteristics of the Sunshine Room are reflected in the good lighting, so while pursuing the lighting effect, we must make full use of the characteristics of the room. Therefore, in the process of the overall decoration of the Sunshine Room, it can also give full play to the advantages of lighting, so as to finally achieve a better design feeling and better serve the effect of life application, and finally realize the perfection of decoration.

2. Moisture-proof and rain-proof

good lighting is the foundation, the strength of lighting design is strong, the characteristics of sunshine room decoration are not in the middle, under the condition of lighting target guarantee, pay attention to the influence of external environment such as moisture-proof and rain-proof, this is the key point in the main function of the design, and it is the basic condition that can ensure the better application of the sun room. The core and key point is to pay more attention to the function of adapting to the external environment.

3. Material selection

lay a good foundation for design is the key to realize the dream of sunshine room decoration, and fully consider the basis of budget and pay attention to the conditions of material selection and safety, so as to form the practical decoration application, excellent choice. Especially when the material is properly selected, the safety is guaranteed, and the firmness is strong enough, this kind of sunshine room design can be considered as a success.

Key points of sun room design

1. On floor tile, when the owner plans the garden in the exclusive Sunshine Room, the floor tiles do not need to be laid evenly, and it is better to have some ravines and so on, which is beneficial to the conservation of water and soil, natural geology and geomorphology also adopt such a relatively environmentally friendly and scientific way. The corner where the floor drain of the roof is located should lower some planes appropriately to facilitate excessive water in the soil to drain out of the floor drain. In addition, it is necessary to lay an isolation layer similar to non-woven fabric on the board to prevent the water from taking away sediment and even blocking the pipeline during the process of leakage.

2. Plant selection. When the owner of the sunshine room needs to plant some natural plants in the sunshine room, please pay attention to choosing plant species that like dampness and heat, because the sunshine room, especially Beijing Sunshine Room, has a long sunshine time, and the general sealing performance of Sunshine Room is better.

Please know the orientation of your balcony when choosing. Due to the different orientation, the lighting difference is very different. In summer, there is basically no sunshine in the North Xiangyang platform, while in the south direction, there is the opposite. In the East direction and in the west direction, there is only half a day of sunshine on the balcony. Therefore, appropriate plant varieties should be selected according to the orientation. For example, if the balcony faces south and the light lasts for a long time, you can raise some flowers and plants that like sunshine, such as Milan, Jasmine, Fusong, Chinese rose, etc. If the balcony faces east or west, it is better to plant some vine plants, such as Lingxiao, Vine, morning glory, etc. If the balcony is facing north, you can plant some shade-resistant or half shade plants, such as asparagus fern, lifestrong, Monstera deliciosa, etc.

Balcony space is generally limited, often planted climbing or vine plants, using parallel vertical greening or parallel horizontal greening. Generally, the West balcony is exposed to the West in summer, and parallel vertical greening is more suitable. The plants form green curtains, blocking the direct sunlight, which plays the role of heat insulation and cooling, making the balcony form a cool and comfortable small environment. In the balcony facing better, parallel horizontal Greening can be adopted. In order not to affect the functional requirements of life, appropriate composition forms and plant materials should be selected according to specific conditions.

3. Lockers. When the owner of the sunshine room needs to arrange a corner in the Sunshine Room as a locker, there must not be too many plants near that corner, otherwise, pay attention to the moisture-proof treatment of the locker.

4. The drainage system of the Sunshine Room should pay attention to the setting of the drainage system when designing the Sunshine Room, especially the pool area should not be too large. If the water volume is large, overflow will easily occur, it will cause harm to the safety of the building for a long time. The design of the sun room must have doors and windows for ventilation and ventilation.