Are You Always Noisy at Night? On the Importance of Soundproof Doors and Windows to Health!

With the continuous expansion of modern industry and transportation industry, manic has become one of people's health killers. Traffic noise, industrial noise, construction noise and social noise will all affect the lives of surrounding residents, especially the elderly, children and pregnant women, who have been in this environment for a long time, it is easy to cause physical and psychological diseases and has to be paid attention.

Noise damage to hearing The most direct harm of noise to human body is hearing damage. When people enter the strong noise environment, they will feel uncomfortable in both ears and even feel headache when exposed for a period of time. Noise can induce a variety of diseases Because noise acts on the central nervous system of the brain through auditory apparatus, thus affecting all organs of the whole body, noise not only causes damage to human hearing, but also brings harm to other systems of the human body. Due to the effect of noise, neurasthenia symptoms such as headache, brain swelling, tinnitus, insomnia, generalized fatigue weakness and memory loss will occur. Compared with low noise environment, the incidence of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease is 2~3 times higher for people who work in high noise environment for a long time. It can be seen that noise can cause cardiovascular system diseases and glass noise can also lead to digestive system dysfunction, causing dyspepsia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, and increasing the incidence of Enterogastric disease and ulcer. In addition, noise also has certain influence on visual organs, endocrine function and normal development of fetus.

Interference to life and work Noise has a great influence on people's sleep. Even in sleep, people's hearing should bear the stimulation of noise. Noise can lead to dreaminess, waking up easily, declining sleep quality, etc. Sudden noise has a more prominent impact on sleep. Noise can disturb people's conversation, work and study. The research results show that continuous noise can accelerate the rotation from deep sleep to light sleep, make people dream more, and shorten the sleeping time; Sudden noise can wake people up. According to relevant data, 90% of external noise comes from doors and windows, because compared with walls, the thickness of doors and windows is relatively low, and the sound insulation effect is far less than that of walls. Therefore, system doors and windows came into being. Fuxuan doors and windows keep improving in technology and materials to reduce or isolate noise. The system doors and windows adopt hollow tempered glass structure to meet the sound insulation requirements of the building. According to scientific data, laminated glass can reduce noise at all frequencies, while hollow glass has a good noise reduction effect on high frequency noise and various traffic noise (such as car noise and external noise). When the two are integrated, the noise blocking effect is doubled, and the noise disturbance to users will be reduced a lot. Fuxuan doors and windows have developed the latest system doors and windows-flush windows, which adopt flush frame structure. Casement is in the same plane as the window frame closed state, and the overall frame structure is in flush state, greatly improving the sealing performance; the glass is clamped by pressing adhesive strip (no silicon sealant), which has a good shock-absorbing effect on the glass, realizes isobaric sealing and air pressure balance, effectively blocks noise, and keeps the room quiet and comfortable.

Choose fuxuan doors and windows, high-end sound insulation system doors and windows, and give you a comfortable sleep space! Editor: China door and window network -- ak