Sunshine Room Maintenance Common Sense

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the increasing emphasis on the quality of life, Sunshine houses bring people a better feeling of being close to nature and living more comfortably with their good permeability, therefore, it is more and more popular with public customers. Today, Xiao Bian provides users with some knowledge of Sunshine Room maintenance in daily life.


Custom doors and windows

1. When the doors and windows of the sun room on the terrace are in use, the action should be light, so push and pull will take its course; If you find any problem, don't pull and push hard. You should first eliminate the main reasons for pushing and pulling difficulties such as fault, Ash accumulation and deformation. Keep the doors and windows clean, especially the sliding groove clean. A vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dust accumulation of wool tops in the tank and the seal. When cleaning the doors and windows of the sunshine room, people should not stand on the frame or hold the aluminum frame for support, otherwise it will easily lead to frame deformation. Neutral detergent can be used for door and window cleaning. Do not use ordinary soap and washing powder, let alone stain removing powder, toilet cleaner and other strong acid and alkali cleaners.

2. After rainy days, the sun room on the terrace should dry the wet glass and doors and windows in time, and pay special attention to dry the sliding chute water. Sliding chute for a long time, the friction increases, you can add a little oil or fire wax oil. Check the connection parts of the sun room on the terrace frequently, tighten the screw bolt in time, and replace the damaged parts.

3. Locate vulnerable parts of aluminum alloy doors and windows such as shaft pin, wind brace, and floor spring. Check frequently and add lubricating oil regularly to keep them clean and flexible. Sealing wool tops and silicon sealant seals are the key parts to ensure the sealing and insulation of doors and windows. If they fall off, they should be repaired and replaced in time. Check the combination of doors and windows and Sunshine Room frequently. If there is looseness for a long time, the whole frame will be deformed, which will affect the normal use of doors and windows of Sunshine Room.

4. When using the sun room on the terrace, the ventilation in the room should also be ensured, so that if the sun room is not used for a long time, the air in the sun room will not appear very turbid. The external top surface of the sun room should be cleaned regularly so as not to affect the transparency effect of the sun room.