There Are Wonderful Ways to Save Money in the Stage of Dismantling Old Doors and Windows.

There are wonderful ways to save money in the stage of dismantling old doors and windows.

As the saying goes, only the old ones can be removed to fill in the new positions. Before installing new doors and windows, remove the old doors and windows first. Old doors and windows cannot be removed too early. Generally, it is better to install new doors and windows immediately after removing old doors and windows. The old doors and windows removed cannot be thrown away as garbage. It can also be depreciated, saving the owner a sum of money!

I. Selection of demolition party of old doors and windows

if the owner has experience, he can remove the old doors and windows by himself, and then sell the old doors and windows to those who collect waste products; Or choose the special personnel who collect the old doors and windows in the market, which is responsible for dismantling, some old doors and windows will also be charged back, but generally not very high; The other is to let the door and window manufacturers remove it, which is more reliable and safe, but according to industry practices, the removed doors and windows directly pull away the overhead removal fee. However, the demolition cost of doors and windows can be deducted from the expenses.

II. Precautions for dismantling old doors and windows

1. Pay attention to personnel safety the demolition of doors and windows is a relatively difficult thing. If it is a high-rise, special attention should be paid to the safety of construction personnel. When removing doors and windows, special security personnel should be responsible for safety, and safety warning signs should be set to ensure the safety of themselves and others.

2. To avoid damage to the wall structure when removing doors and windows, it is necessary to avoid the situation of using sledge-hammer to smash and remove the doors and windows, so as to prevent damage to the wall structure. If the original building wall is damaged, it needs to be repaired, which will greatly increase the construction cost.

III. General process of door and window removal

before the demolition work of doors and windows begins, the person in charge of the installation of doors and windows shall conduct a comprehensive safety and technical disclosure to the installation workers. So that the installation personnel can master all kinds of matters needing attention in the demolition construction of doors and windows.

1. Remove the door first. Casement the door should be removed first with tools such as screwdriver and hand hammer. During The disassembly process, one person should disassemble the door and window, and one person should be responsible for the stability of the door and window. After the door is removed, it should be put gently, and it is forbidden to be pushed down from high altitude.

2. Remove the door and window frame after the door and window fan is removed, the door and window frame can be removed. Generally, you need to use a blade to cut the sealant inside the door and window frame. If the doors and windows are connected with the wall by expansion bolts, you can directly use a screwdriver to remove the expansion bolts; If the expansion bolts rust, impact drill can be used to break it; However, if connecting pieces are used, impact drill can be used directly; If the window frame is difficult to remove, Hacksaw is required to cut off the middle part of the frame against the wall.

3. Cleaning and repairing doors and windows opening doors and windows may cause certain damage to doors and windows opening. If it is not handled, it is not conducive to the installation of new doors and windows. Therefore, after the doors and windows are disassembled, it is necessary to check whether the size of the openings is correct, whether the openings are horizontally and vertically, and deal with the openings that do not meet the requirements.