It Only Takes Four Steps to Complete the Installation of Aluminum Alloy Sliding Doors and Windows.

Compared with ordinary flat doors and windows, sliding door windows save more space and are frequently used in daily life. For example, kitchen door is used by many families, while sliding door is more common. So, how to install aluminum sliding doors and windows? Next, red oak doors and windows teach you four steps to install sliding doors and windows. 1. Determine the installation position: identify the baseline When installing sliding door, the installation position line of the upper beam, side frame plate and male drawer guide should be determined according to the 500mm horizontal line and coordinate reference line. Fix the upper beam on the top of the door opening with screws. If there are side frame plates, fix the side frame plates on the side of the opening wall with screws. II. Fixing: fixed position of doors and windows Remove the bolts and nuts on the pendant, put them on the I-shaped steel slide rail, and fix the I-shaped steel slide rail on the bottom of the upper beam with screws. Fix nail pipe with expansion bolts or plastic male drawer guide screws. 3. Installation: fixed pendant or track When installing the door leaf, install the suspension bolt into the special hole on the top of the riser of the door leaf, use the wooden mould to flatten the door along the male drawer guide, and then use the NUT to fix the suspension Bolt and the pendant. Or fix the track on the ground with screws. IV. Inspection: stress inspection Sliding door due to frequent stress during use, if you want to make it strong and durable, you must install it in place every step during installation and construction. After checking that the door edge matches the side frame plate, fix the door stop and install the face. The above is the installation procedure of aluminum alloy sliding doors and windows. When installing, we also need to pay attention to the horizontal and vertical problems, maintain the appearance of doors and windows, handle the firmness of the bottom base plate and the straight joints, etc, ensure door and window switch flexibility. Editor: China door and window network -- ak