The Problem of Cleaning the Gap between Doors and Windows Often Gives Us a Headache.

Every time we clean up with passion, we often have a headache when facing the problem of cleaning the gap between doors and windows. These annoying small gaps really hurt our brains, how to clean up the dust in the gap between doors and windows is an urgent problem for us to solve. Are you also troubled by this problem?

Today, Xiao Bian will teach you some simple tips for cleaning the gaps between doors and windows. Mastering these tips will bring you unexpected results.

Skillfully use paint brush.

There will definitely be some paint brush left in the home decoration. Hurry up and make reasonable use of it. There is often a lot of dust scattered in the gap between doors and windows. Because the gap is very narrow, the rag cannot be taken into account. Is it very sad? At this time, pick up the paint brush in your hand and gather all these tiny dust. The hair of the brush is very fine and can take into account the corners. In this way, the dust in these small gaps will also be hard to escape the bad luck of being cleaned up.

Give full play to the great effect of eating white vinegar.

If the doors and windows at home are made of aluminum alloy, how should we clean them when the gaps between doors and windows are filled with dust? Aluminum alloy doors and windows should not be cleaned with detergent or strong acid products to avoid corrosion of doors and windows. White vinegar is a good cleaning product. Pour some white vinegar into the gap between doors and windows, in this way, the dust will be easily brought out and the doors and windows will be refreshed.

Reasonable use of sponge.

The sponge is cut out of the width of the door and window track. Due to the strong softness of the sponge, it can easily penetrate into the inside of the door and window gap and easily clean up the residual dirt in the door and window gap.

Use business cards to transform dust removal props.

Fold the abandoned business card in half, fold the width of the door and window track, fold the business card into the shape of dustpan, use the toothbrush to clean up the dust in the door and window gap, and then use the business card dustpan to carry out the dust. Reasonable use of discarded toothbrushes and business cards makes the best use of everything. Amazing!

Is it amazing that these small objects in life can also play such a big role? To solve the problem of cleaning the gap between doors and windows, we will not worry about these small details in the next cleaning. Fuos doors and windows will make our cleaning activities smooth.