Basic Knowledge of Door and Window Design That Door and Window Store Owners Must Learn

Many bosses have joined doors and windows brands and opened their own doors and windows specialty stores. As the owners of doors and windows specialty stores, what kind of door and windows design knowledge do they need to know? China doors and windows brand network today for everyone to sort out:

I. Architectural design of doors and windows
Doors and windows are the unit of the building and the decorative symbol of the facade effect, which finally reflects the characteristics of the building. Although different buildings have different requirements for the design of doors and windows, and the details of doors and windows vary greatly, some rules can still be found.
1. The facade of doors and windows should be divided into aesthetic characteristics. The following factors should be considered when designing the partition.
(1) coordination of lattice proportion. For a single glass plate, the aspect ratio is as close as possible to the golden ratio, and it is not suitable to be designed as a square and a narrow rectangle with an aspect ratio of more than 1:2, the height of the brightness is generally 1/4~1/5 of the frame height, which should not be too large or too small;

(2) the vertical division of doors and windows should not only have certain rules, but also reflect changes, and seek rules in changes; The lines of the division should be dense; The division of equal distance and equal size shows rigorous, solemn and serious; unequal distance free division shows rhythm, liveliness and movement;

(3) at least the horizontal grid lines of doors and windows of the same room and wall should be on the same horizontal line as far as possible, and the vertical lines should be aligned as far as possible;

(4) when designing the facade of doors and windows, the overall effect requirements of the building should be considered, such as the contrast between reality and reality, light and shadow effect, symmetry, etc.

2. Color selection of doors and windows
The color selection of doors and windows is an important part that affects the final effect of the building. The color of doors and windows should be matched with the architectural characteristics. When determining the color, it should be agreed with architectural designers, owners and other parties.

3. Personalized design of doors and windows
According to customers' different hobbies and aesthetic views, we can design unique facade modeling of doors and windows.

4. Permeability of doors and windows
It is better not to set horizontal frame and vertical frame within the sight height range (about 1.5m ~ 1.8m) of the main viewing part of the door and window facade, so as not to block the sight. Some doors and windows need to adopt glass with high light transmittance or have a larger open view, which is convenient for watching outdoor scenery.

5. Lighting and ventilation of doors and windows
The ventilation area of doors and windows and the number of movable fans should meet the requirements of building ventilation; Meanwhile, the lighting area of doors and windows should also meet the architectural lighting design standard (GB/T50033-2001) regulations and requirements of architectural design drawings. Article 4.2.4 of the design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings (GB 50189-2005) stipulates that the area ratio of window and wall facing each exterior window of the building should not be greater than 0.70. When the area ratio of window wall is less than 0.40, the visible light transmittance of glass should not be less than 0.4.

II. Safety design of doors and windows

1. Aluminum for door and window wall thickness requirements
The wall thickness of the window aluminum profile conforms to the current national standard with high precision, and the minimum wall thickness of the stressed component is ≥ 1.4mm.

2. Safety design of doors and windows glass

(1) selection of glass: the thickness of glass is determined by calculation and should not be less than 5mm. The doors and windows of the following parts of the building must adopt safety glass (tempered glass or laminated glass):
(a) outwards opening window of buildings with 7 floors and above;
(B) window glass with an area greater than 1.5 ㎡;
(c) floor-to-ceiling windows whose bottom edge is less than 500mm from the final decoration surface;
(d) inclined windows with a horizontal angle less than 75 ° and more than 3m from the indoor floor;
(e) framed glass doors with a glass area greater than 0.5 ㎡;
(f) frameless glass doors shall be tempered glass with a thickness of not less than 10mm.
(2) the overlapping amount of glass and notch and other matching sizes shall comply with the provisions of table 5 and table 6 in aluminium windows (GB/T8479).
(3) aluminum alloy frame flexible contact shall be adopted between glass and rubber gasket slot.
(4) the glass should be processed by mechanical edging, and the mesh number of the grinding wheel should be above 180 mesh.

3. Selection and design of hardware accessories.
(1) when selecting hardware accessories, try to choose products with guaranteed quality. The quality grade of hardware accessories should be consistent with the quality grade of doors and windows. The Structure of hardware accessories, the shape should be consistent with the profile, matching in color beautiful appearance, correct function, flexible operation and convenient installation.
(2) the installation of hardware accessories should be complete, standardized, reliable and accurate. After installation, doors and windows have beautiful appearance, flexible and convenient opening, and no deformation, obstruction and collision are allowed.
(3) the exposed fasteners of hardware accessories should be preferentially made of stainless steel products.
(4) when closing flat doors and windows and large-sized sliding doors and windows, multiple locking points should be adopted, otherwise the air tightness will be greatly reduced under the effect of negative pressure difference. Considering the convenient operation, it is better to use multiple locking points to handle or actuator.