How to Maintain the Hardware of Door and Window Accessories?

The overall quality of doors and windows not only depends on the material and workmanship, but also needs to pay attention to the accessories and hardware. What do you know about hardware accessories?

Door Lock

you should choose high-quality safety locks, and it is best to choose silent locks.

1. When choosing, the weight of the lock can be compared with the hand feeling. The heavier the lock cylinder, the thicker the material used, and the more wear-resistant it is.

On the contrary, the material is thin and easy to be damaged.

2. Look at the surface finish of the lock. Repeated switch, mainly testing the sensitivity of lock cylinder Spring

3. The mute lock needs to test the sensitivity of magnetic attraction.

Lock cylinder

when the rotation is not flexible enough, a small amount of black pencil leads powder can be scraped from the pencil leads and blown into the keyhole to lubricate the lock cylinder.

Because pencil leads is composed of graphite, and graphite is a solid lubricant.

Remember! Do not drip lubricating oil. Lubricating oil will adhere to dust and reduce the flexibility of the lock cylinder.

Floor spring

the floor Spring of the door should be stainless steel surface or copper surface. Before formal use after installation, the opening and closing speed of front and back should be adjusted to facilitate use. The hydraulic part cannot leak oil. Door holder can also be used.

Hinge, hanging wheel, Caster

moving parts may reduce their performance due to the adhesion of dust during long-term movement, and one or two drops of lubricating oil can keep it smooth every half a year.

Other accessories

door leaf-do not hang heavy items on the door leaf and avoid sharp instruments bumps and scratches. Do not use too much force when opening or closing the door leaf;

door lock-do not open the door lock with wet hands, or splash corrosive solvent on the wooden door and door lock. When opening the door lock or turning gate lock handle, do not push too hard;

door lock-do not open the door lock with wet hands, or splash corrosive solvent on the wooden door and door lock. When opening the door lock or turning gate lock handle, do not push too hard;

hardware accessories-pay attention to the hardware accessories that are often active such as hinge and door lock, and tighten them immediately when looseness occurs;

glass-when wiping the glass, do not let the cleaning agent or water penetrate into the gap of the glass layering to avoid deformation of the layering. Do not use too much force when wiping the glass to avoid damage to the glass and personal injury. After the glass is damaged, be sure to ask professionals to repair it;