How to Buy Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows without Being Cheated?

The decoration of the new house is a very time-consuming and troublesome thing, but people like to pursue their own unique style, and then decorate the home into their favorite appearance, but it is not that you have money or can decorate it into the style you want. Let's talk about it today. Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, new home decoration just bought broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, I was urged by experts to replace it before I installed it. What a pit! So how to buy it broken bridge aluminum doors and windows what about not being cheated?

Aluminum is not as wide as possible

the two kinds of aluminum materials shown in the above figure are obviously wider on the right. Is the one on the right better? In fact, the profile on the right broadens the nylon broken bridge in the middle, so the stability of aluminum is worse than that of aluminum on the left, especially for residents living in high-rise buildings, the stability of aluminum is more important. After all, the cost of nylon broken bridges and aluminum is there. In addition, the length of the nylon broken bridge is increased, and the Bureau of some hollow glass is also increased. Maybe the glass on the left is 5+12+5, the glass on the right is 5+15+5. Under the condition of not reducing the aluminum material, bearing the weight of plus-sized glass for a long time, the aluminum material may be deformed. Glass sealant is very important The insulating glass used to seal the balcony has strong sealing performance, which can be distinguished by the sealant. The glass shown in the following figure is wrapped around butyl rubber, which is very tight. In addition, good sealant is played evenly. If it looks like "dog gnawing", you can pass it directly.

Glass thickness fraud The thickness of the glass is also one of the price factors. Some merchants cut corners. It is obviously 5+12+5 glass, but use 4.3mm glass instead of 5mm glass, the cost difference of this piece alone is 50 yuan/square meter. Hardware is very cheap, I suggest you not to buy it Making a set of broken bridge aluminum requires a lot of hardware accessories, especially opening windows, with handles and two paddles. Many people are thinking about the price of pressing hardware accessories. Although hardware is not impressive, but it is used every day. You can only buy cheap goods when saving money. The life span of inferior hardware accessories is usually only 2-3 years. If you want to use it for 10 years, you still need to buy famous accessories of big brands. The money of hardware cannot be left. The quality of sealing strip is good or bad It is also a sealing strip. It seems that there is no difference, but the price varies greatly. Select the sealing strip, not too soft, easy to break, good sealing strip has toughness, will not absorb water. Choose good foaming agent

window leakage does not leak, which has a lot to do with construction technology and filling materials. The inferior foaming agent used in some windows may not leak in those years. If the foaming agent ages and cracks for a long time, it will cause water leakage. Good foaming agent will not sag when pressed, and it cannot be broken off. The cost difference of foaming agent will be about 20 yuan/square meter. The owner must not forget the above analysis when purchasing. If you purchase broken bridge aluminum, you must not blindly follow the merchant's recommend, so it is not easy to suffer losses. Editor: China door and window network -- Taitai