Which Aspects Should I Pay Attention to When Choosing Balcony Soundproof Doors and Windows?

The noise in our life really annoys us. I believe that our friends who live in roads with more vehicles, such as downtown machines and stations, will certainly feel the same. In such an environment, our body and mind will be greatly hurt, so soundproof doors and windows are very important, so what aspects should we pay attention to when choosing balcony soundproof doors and windows to choose the one with the best sound insulation effect? Let's have a look. Glass is very important The quality of doors and windows anacoustic is absolutely related to glass. The common single-layer glass on the market can only isolate a small part of the noise, so the doors and windows with strong sound insulation are all hollow glass selected, even vacuum glass. Hollow glass is relatively common. Of course, hollow glass also has different levels, including 6A, 9A, 12A, 15A, 22A, etc. The best sound insulation is 22A hollow glass, this kind of hollow glass is mainly used in broken bridge aluminum doors and windows70 series. Of course, when the economy allows, consumers also choose Triplex glass, which can almost maintain a state of isolation from the world. The profile is very exquisite Doors and windows with good sound insulation are very particular about the selection of profiles. The sound insulation effect of ordinary aluminum alloy profiles is not ideal, while the materials suitable for manufacturing sound insulation doors and windows include plastic steel window opening, bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy doors and windows and aluminum clad wood doors and windows, the latter two have outstanding performances and the best sound insulation effect, but the price is relatively high.

Adhesive tape cannot be ignored If the connection between door & window profile and glass cannot be handled properly, the sound insulation effect may be greatly reduced, so the material selection of adhesive strip cannot be ignored. Soundproof doors and windows are generally made of silica gel and EPDM rubber strips, which have good elasticity and toughness and excellent sealing effect. In addition, attention should be paid to the aging resistance of the rubber strips, after all, the sound insulation effect that lasts for a long time is the ideal result. The above are the three aspects that should be paid attention to when purchasing balcony soundproof doors and windows. Carefully purchase and choose doors and windows with good sound insulation effect to make the quality of life reach a higher level. Editor: China door and window network -- Taitai