Finally Made Public, Deeply Analyze the Frost Principle of Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows

In cold winter, the difference between indoor warmth and outdoor cold temperature is very large, which is extremely easy to cause the phenomenon of snow knot in doors and windows. Before, the editor introduced the method of dealing with snow knot in doors and windows in winter, this time, we deeply analyzed the principle of frosting of aluminum alloy doors and windows, and realized how to deal with snowflakes of doors and windows quickly, ruthlessly and accurately from the principle.

First of all, aluminum alloy doors and windows are made of hollow glass. Inert gas is filled between the two layers of glass and sealed with EPDM sealant strip, which has the effect of sound insulation and warmth preservation. However, in cold winter, bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy doors and windows has excellent thermal insulation effect, while doors and windows are almost closed, and the huge temperature difference between indoor and outdoor makes the glass water vapor more obvious.


When the doors and windows of your home are in the above situation, the moisture in the air will condense into small water drops when the window glass is encountered. When the small water drops accumulate more and more, they cannot be attached to the doors and windows glass, is to form snowflakes. This tiny scene is magnified like the instant feeling of pouring hot water outdoors in winter.

When the aluminum alloy doors and windows of your home appear the above situation of snow knot, maybe you are puzzled by the general doors and windows before rarely appear this situation. In fact, snow on the door and window glass is a natural phenomenon, not entirely a problem of aluminum alloy doors and windows.


Before, I introduced the treatment method of snow knot in doors and windows, and this time I introduced the treatment method of reducing snow knot in principle:

the main reason for the occurrence of snowflakes in doors and windows is the sealing of doors and windows and the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. The best way to install dehumidifier can effectively solve the frost problem of doors and windows and reduce indoor moisture.

The second is to maintain indoor ventilation and properly open windows for ventilation. You can also install an exhaust fan to replace fresh air.

If you don't want to open the window for ventilation and do not want to do any anti-exposure measures, you must wipe off the dew on the glass with a rag in time to prevent the dew from forming water flow and flowing to the windowsill, on the ground, damage the interior decoration.