Tata Wooden Door Price List

Nowadays, many people like to use wooden doors when decorating their homes. In the selection, Tata wooden door has become a more classic representative. To say the price of Tata wooden door, according to the current style and style, there is a certain difference in price. So what is the main quotation of Tata wooden door now? How to choose the right wooden door? Look at some more classic styles and choose your real life needs.

Tata wooden door is still very designed, this simple style has a very comfortable and relaxed lifestyle. From the current overall design, they also pay more attention to users' home needs, and the design is simple and simple, creating a more relaxed lifestyle. Simple inner door the overall interior is very good, the design is exquisite, and the price is about 1199 yuan.

There are many options for Tata wooden doors, such as interior door with fashionable stitching. The design is more warm and elegant. Considering the need of warm home life, it adopts fashionable and simple mute design, which is comfortable. In addition, it mainly adopts paint-free technology, which is easy to scrub and easy to maintain. It is an ideal choice for home furnishing, and its price is about 1299 yuan.

The choice of Tata wooden door, elegant solid wood door is also good. It is mainly made of environmentally friendly plates. All plates are carefully selected by hand to reduce formaldehyde content and have good environmental protection. From the design of solid wood door, we also insist on generosity, solid wood door quality is guaranteed, and its price is about 1439 yuan.

Paint Set door tower wooden door, paint set door is also a relatively classic style. It insists on environmental quality and has strict technological standards in wooden door design. In the actual processing, it can stick to every link to ensure the use Effect of wooden doors, and the price is also good. , about 1999 yuan.

Composite silent door Tata wooden door has many styles, such as silent door is also a good representative. It can continuously carry out technological innovation and innovation, thus protecting users' daily needs well. The design of silent door is good, the quality is guaranteed, and the support is relatively stable and durable. It is very popular among today's users. Its price is about 3099 yuan, which is relatively high.

1. Solid wood door price. The cost of this material is relatively high, so the market price is about 1500-3000 yuan. Of course, according to the type of wood, the more precious the tree species, the more expensive the price of the solid wood door made. For example, the price made of walnut and rosewood is about 4000 yuan.

2. Wooden door price. If the wood is relatively high-grade, the price is about 4000-6000, even more than 6000 yuan, and the price of medium-grade wood is about 3,000 yuan, therefore, the wooden door made of this material is of better quality and higher price in principle.

3. Compound solid wooden door price. The price of this material is cheaper than that of pure solid wood, and the market price is about 1200-2500 yuan. If it is made of high-end wooden doors such as walnut, Cherrywood, and Sapele, 1900 yuan is required. If it is a relatively high-grade Rosewood door, about 2300 yuan per fan.