Solutions to Some Problems after the Sunshine Room Is Completed

After the Sunshine Room is completed, we need to deal with the hidden dangers in time so as not to affect the future use. Aichen aluminum alloy doors and windows Sunshine Room will take you to know these precautions in detail.

Rubber crack aging leakage hidden danger. The main body of the Sunshine Room consists of aluminum alloy structure and tempered glass, and the glass edge is mainly sealed by structural waterproof and structural adhesive. If the construction is not standardized and the inferior sizing materials is adopted, structural adhesive may crack and waterproof failure may occur, if this happens, the maintenance will be very troublesome in the later period and the maintenance cost will be high. Therefore, we must choose the manufacturer's products with good reputation at the beginning of the construction to avoid the occurrence of aging.


The glass on the drainage top should have a slope. If there is Rhone, it should be kept smooth. In addition, during the construction, the construction Party should supervise the construction party to seal the gap between the glass and the rod, which requires seamless, non-porous, to prevent rainwater leakage.

Fog, ice, cold in winter and hot in summer. Under the condition of large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, fog and icing are easy to occur, most of which are caused by poor heat insulation effect, while glass insulation performance is not as good as brick-concrete wall, cold winter and hot summer are also normal. In order to reduce the phenomenon of fog icing and cold winter and hot summer, we often use hollow tempered glass. When purchasing, we try our best to choose hollow tempered glass filled with argon. This kind of gas has low thermal conductivity and good heat insulation, but the price is high.

In the final analysis, the Sunshine Room is to give people a quiet space, bring different life experiences and make our life have higher quality.