XIO Doors and Windows Are a Wonderful Way to Easily Distinguish between Door and Window Sealing Strip Good and Bad

The sealant strip of doors and windows is one of the important factors that affect the quality of doors and windows. It plays an important role in waterproofing, sealing and energy saving. The sealant strip itself also has strong tensile strength and good elasticity, thermal endurance and aging resistance. Now there are so many sealant products in the door and window market, how can we identify the excellent quality? Not Afraid, shio doors and windows teach a few tricks to make it easy for you to distinguish between door and window sealing strip good and bad.

Tension Measurement

relatively speaking, as a sealant strip material, it should have certain tensile strength. Standard requirements: strength ≥5Mpa . The higher the latex content of the same material, the better the tensile force. Generally speaking, the service life will be relatively long and the sealing effect will be better.

High temperature detection

wrap the sealing strip around the profile as tightly as possible and place it at high temperature for a period of time.( put it on the roof or in a sunny place.) . Check whether the contact surface between the profile surface and the sealing strip is stained and discolored, and whether the dust on the surface of the sealing strip is yellow.( it is easy to absorb soil with oil) oil leakage, whether to touch hands and dirty hands.

Observe color

there will be a lot of filler for some cheaper sealing strips, so the surface will not be very bright, and those that are cheap and have no bright appearance will not be carious.
