Why Is the Price Difference So Big When Sealing the Balcony with Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows?

How to distinguish the quality of balcony sealing materials? Are the same broken bridge aluminum prices so different? What aspects should I pay attention to when purchasing a closed balcony? Xiao Bian will give you a little knowledge of sealing the balcony! Basic elements of balcony sealing

material components

aluminum, glass, pulley, door lock, glue, adhesive strip/wool tops Window opening form: Sliding window and window opening (the sealing and sound insulation of window opening is better than sliding window, and the price is higher than sliding window) Aluminum types: China aluminum, guangaluminum, Jianmei, fengaluminum, Baileys Ma, aoplifa, Huajian, etc. are quite common on the market at present (it should be noted here that aoplifa is not an aluminum name, it is a brand of a store. At present, fengaluminum and Jianmei are still very fake on the market) Aluminum profile structure: ordinary, broken bridge. Now there are too many broken bridges, and there are too many counterfeits. The price is far lower than 500 yuan/flat. Everyone should weigh it in mind. As far as the cost of regular bridge breaking is concerned, the normal market price will basically be 500-550 yuan per square meter, and the better one will reach more than 600 yuan per square meter. Window size: 60, 70, 80, 90, 788, 988 This means that the size measured at the position shown in the following figure determines the size of the window type. Is it necessary to use good materials to seal the balcony? Before, some netizens said that my family did not have high requirements for sealing the balcony. It didn't need to be too good. It didn't have high requirements for sound insulation and heat insulation. As long as the cheap materials could be said. What the door and window maniacs want to tell you is that the importance of sealing the balcony does not only need to consider sound insulation, but also the problem of balcony seepage. In the first half of this year, the red crucian family of Hualong Lane home network also found a large area of water seepage on the balcony because the balcony was not sealed properly and the continuous pouring rain in Changzhou. It is still near the graduation of decoration, and the cabinet should be removed to check the reasons. In addition, it is a far-away store, which makes maintenance very annoying. Therefore, in the early stage of decoration, it is necessary to grasp the materials and construction to avoid hidden dangers. How to distinguish the quality of balcony sealing material?

Where is the price difference? Generally speaking, the biggest price difference is in the cost of raw materials. Because the consumption of materials used is different and the process is different, the production cost increases, what you can intuitively feel is the selling price. Of course, the quality of the products must be different. There is a quality problem behind the cheap material, and it is also troublesome and costly to repair it again and again? Take? /div> I. Differences in aluminum process and structure Door and window maniacs can tell you that these models are relatively common on the market 90 series "Broken Bridge" style cross section, but there are still some differences. Now let's analyze it: The first thing to say is that these are all genuine goods on the market. The national standard requirement for the thickness of the cross section is 1.4mm-1.6mm, but the structure of the process is different. As far as the part of the Broken Bridge is concerned, it is easy to see that the second is different from others. The second is the section of fengaluminum, and many netizens prefer the second because it has more than anacoustic broken bridges and is relatively thick. In fact, what the door and window maniacs want to tell you is that this is just a different machine structure for processing broken bridges, which is similar to hair. Some people are born with straight hair and some are born with curly hair, which is similar. The reason why the middle part looks thicker is that if it is not thick, the bending part is easy to break. Some shoddy commercial materials are very thin. If the broken bridge of this shape is easy to break, then you know, there is basically no windproof, rainproof, sound insulation and heat insulation function. There are also many netizens who say it is 4. Everyone's reason is very simple. 4 looks relatively large. Indeed, the overall profile of No. 4 is larger than others, and more raw materials are used. The aluminum design is wide, large and thick, which will increase the stability of the window. When the wind blows, it is not easy to make a sound, and the sealing and sound insulation will be better. In fact, it is not difficult to find out carefully that the biggest difference between 4 and others is on the "edge" Why do you want to add "gear edge?

What is the effect? 1 anti-theft: With the edge, the window can only be taken down from the inside, and the window cannot be removed from the outside. First, it is convenient for workers to install it, and they can easily take off and clean it at home. Second, thieves cannot disassemble the glass from the outside and cannot enter the home. 2 Anti-shedding: With the edge, if the track sliding edge occurs, the whole window will not be taken off directly. If there is no edge, in case of track slide rail, the whole window will fall off, and now it is all high-rise, it is very dangerous for the window to fall off. 3 no irrigation: As we all know, there are many rainy seasons, especially in huangmeitian. Heavy rain is common for more than one month. Even if there is a stall, it is not easy to pour heavy rain into the house.

Second, how to distinguish whether the pulley is good or bad? In the closed balcony, the pulley is like lubricating oil for doors and windows. The good pulley is silent, smooth and durable. Good pulley must be stainless steel, not iron. Iron is easy to rust after a long time, and Windows will fall easily. The market price of better pulleys will be 20-30 yuan/piece. Of course, the price difference between inferior pulleys is dozens of yuan/piece of doors and windows. Maniacs teach you three ways to distinguish them. 1 look: At present, the counterfeit method on the market is chrome plating on the iron surface, which looks very similar to stainless steel in appearance. However, if you look carefully, you will find that the surface will rub bright, and you can distinguish it by looking at a screw. 2: Stainless steel pulley is light, iron will be heavy 3 Slip: Slide a few times on the spot, the good pulley is very smooth, you can "run" far with a gentle push; The inferior pulley is always easy to produce a lot of friction with the contact surface. 3. There is a doorway in the glass part Generally, merchants will tell you that the glass for sealing the balcony is "5+12+5", "5+18+5" and other specifications. This is "5" is the thickness of a piece of glass, "12" and "18" is the hollow distance between two pieces of glass. The larger the distance, the better the sound insulation effect. The thicker the whole glass, the larger the profile outside and the higher the price. Good glass will cost 15-30 yuan per square meter more than ordinary glass. In the details of the glass part, the door and window maniacs remind everyone to pay attention to several points: 1 check whether aluminum strip is shining: Aluminum strip in the glass is one of the decisive factors for the sealing performance. The color of the bad aluminum strip is dark, uneven and uneven. 2 Check the glass edge glue: Generally good, the glue on the glass edge of the balcony-sealed store is very uniform, very straight, and will not be the same as the "dog gnawing. First, it is more beautiful, and second, it uses sufficient materials to ensure sealing. 3 whether there are pressure lines: I don't know if you will pay attention to the glass part under the window. Many merchants in this part just put a layer of glue to fix it during construction. After a long time, the glue is easy to expand and shrink, the more stable way is to install the pressure line (also aluminum), and it will be more stable to fix it with aluminum. IV. Other Details Car window shade: many netizens have asked the door and window maniac car window shade how do you think it is good or bad? In fact, as long as you press it by hand, the good car window shade texture is very tight. Generally, it takes some effort to press it; The average car window shade can be concave by pressing it gently by hand, the raw materials used are different. Construction details: many of the closed balconies are aerial work. In order to save time and cost, some construction workers do not take any safety measures to carry out the construction, which is very dangerous. It is clearly determined by law that if workers working at height in their own homes do not take safety measures, once a fall occurs, the owner will also have to pay 30% of the responsibility. For the safety of workers and the interests of owners, regular doors and windows shops will equip workers with "aerial work equipment" to ensure the safety of workers and the interests of owners. Warranty: you must choose regular stores with warranty. Some balcony sealing problems have incubation period. If you choose stores with warranty, you can contact the merchant to check and maintain them at any time. Edit: doors and windows online-berries