What Is the General Size of the Hanging Rail Sliding Door Track?

Nowadays, hanging rail sliding door is one of the most common door types. Many owners have used hanging rail sliding door as balcony and restaurant partition. When you are going to buy a hanging rail sliding door, you need to know the size in advance. What is the size of the hanging rail sliding door?

Sliding door size of hanging rail regular track

consumers should know which tracks are available before knowing the size of the sliding door rail. The following will describe them in detail.

The track of the hanging rail sliding door can be roughly divided into: the track that can be pushed and pulled in both directions, the single direction and the folding hanging rail sliding door.


Among these three types, folding hanging rail sliding door will save more space. If consumers choose to make a hanging rail sliding door, the height of this door is better than 207cm, which will not make the whole room too depressed. The size of the better hanging rail sliding door track is about 80cm multiplied by 200cm. The door with this height is very stable and looks good.

Of course, there are also many large apartments. If these consumers want to make a high rail sliding door track size, they should pay attention to it, because the door is very high, plus they often push and pull, the door itself is high and unstable, which will more easily lead to the phenomenon of the door falling off.


If some hanging rail sliding door are well done, it can make people look bigger visually. For example, using the open hanging rail sliding door in the kitchen has the treatment of partition, it can make the whole space bigger. Therefore, consumers should attach great importance to the selection of the material of the hanging rail sliding door. The effect of the hanging rail sliding door of different materials is also different, but it is better not to choose fully transparent glass, this can easily lead to light pollution.