Safety Is the Primary Consideration in the Selection of Doors and Windows!

1. Security performance The most important thing is safety performance. As a living environment, safety performance is the first consideration! Especially for families with children at home, children do not have enough safety awareness, which requires more attention! 门窗选择注意事项,安全是首要考量因素! Security considerations mainly include two aspects: First, the material quality is good, not only the glass quality is good, but also the overall frame material should be paid attention. Attention should be paid when purchasing and selecting. The best way to try is to test the strength of the material directly on the sample! The second is to consider whether the structure is safe and whether there are structural hidden dangers. On the one hand, we should consider whether the structure is stable after installation, and also consider whether children can open windows. Generally speaking, when there are children at home, you can try your best to make the switch design more complicated, increasing the difficulty for children to switch the window. 2. Sound insulation performance Whether it is low-rise or high-rise, there are requirements for sound insulation effect. High-rise buildings should consider the wind, while low-rise buildings should consider the noise generated by ground vehicles and pedestrians. If the sound insulation effect is not good, it will seriously affect the rest quality. Especially people with poor sleep quality should pay more attention. 门窗选择注意事项,安全是首要考量因素!

3. Lighting requirements The lighting of a room should be appropriate, neither too bright nor too dark. Especially in the lower floors, if the houses are dense, it is likely to cause insufficient lighting, and the light transmission performance of the window glass is particularly important. High-rise buildings need glass that can slightly reduce the lighting brightness. Of course, the way of curtain shielding can also be considered. 门窗选择注意事项,安全是首要考量因素!

4. Emergency function At present, commercial housing is generally dominated by elevators, which will lead to relatively narrow stairwells. If there is a fire, the elevator cannot be used, and the staircase is blocked by smoke or flame, the window will become one of the escape paths, so the window cannot be completely sealed, and emergency exits are required. Although I hope it can not be used, just in case. This is mainly due to the need to consider one more step when installing burglar mesh. If it is only a window, it can be switched in general. 门窗选择注意事项,安全是首要考量因素! Edit: doors and windows online-berries