Install Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows at Home, Which Can Save Half of the Air Conditioning Electricity Bill in Summer!

Summer strikes, Many regions have received high temperature warnings one after another, Gradually enter the "baking mode", It turns netizens into a joke.

Hot outdoor heat in summer It is a severe test for everyone. Do you also want to escape from the outside and return home Accompanied by air conditioning and watermelon.

Although the air conditioner reduces the indoor temperature Become the "good medicine" for our life ", But one summer, The electricity bill at home is also rising. Is there any way to "cool summer" Don't you let the electricity bill increase too much? And look down In the whole building, doors and windows are the most critical place to reduce energy consumption. When you enjoy the comfort brought by the air conditioner in the room, closing the doors and windows can only solve the problem of air convection, but cannot block the conduction of heat energy. A large amount of cold air in the house is lost to the outside through your doors and windows, thus increasing the electricity bill, while broken bridge aluminum doors and windows this problem has been solved. Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows it has been gradually becoming the first choice for high-end building doors and windows with strong sealing performance, thermal insulation, energy conservation and environmental protection, etc. Ou Zhe's safety doors and windows adopt high quality Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy for system doors and windows, it can be described as the leader in environmental protection and energy-saving doors and windows. 1. Structural design Ozhe doors and windows adopt multi-cavity large section high heat insulation design, and form water-tight cavity and air-tight cavity through three seals on the outside, middle and inside to reduce the indoor and outdoor heat conduction caused by air convection.

2. Glass The large area of glass is formed by special process, filled with a proper amount of inert gas, and the thermal conductivity coefficient is small, thus reducing the heat transfer coefficient of the hollow glass surface, which is helpful to improve the thermal insulation performance and energy saving effect of glass. (Hollow glass with initial shape) 3. Heat insulation strip It adopts the original imported insulation strip of German Tylenol wind, which has the characteristics of high strength, high toughness, low thermal conductivity, effective resistance to thermal expansion and contraction, greatly reducing the heat transfer between indoor and outdoor, let the air conditioner no longer use "high energy consumption. Good materials and good craft design, To create a model Excellent performance broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. Ozhe doors and windows, Focus on creating safe, energy-saving, environmental protection system doors and windows, Let you stop worrying about high electricity bills this summer, Feel the coolness brought by the air conditioner. Edit: doors and windows online-berries