General Process of Joining Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows

1. Join the consultation and communicate online;

2. Fill in the application form for membership qualification and submit relevant legal information to the headquarters;

3. Qualification examination;

4. Visit the factory and negotiate face to face;

5. Sign Cooperation Agreement;

6. Pay security deposit;

7. Select samples and place orders;

8. Store design and decoration;

9. Distribution of materials related to opening;

10. Sample and atmosphere layout of exclusive stores;

11. Personnel training and opening guidance;

12. Officially opened and operated.

Baidu Knows the report:

First of all, you have to choose a brand that suits you. You can compare it online. Secondly, the door and window investment policy is better. The door and window factory must have strength. As long as you have strength, you can have enough support for the door and window manufacturers, ensure delivery time and product quality, followed by after-sales service. Soft power has enough honor to attract consumers. You can search the top ten brands of doors and windows on Baidu for comparison, and then go to the factory for on-the-spot investigation to choose a brand that suits you, hoping to help you.
Basic process:
1. Apply for joining
If you choose a suitable door and window to join, you can directly apply online, and then provide photos of the market and store to the headquarters. After the headquarters is received, the district manager will be sent to the site for on-site investigation.
2. Submit an application for specialty store construction
After the investigation, the district manager can submit an application for the construction of the specialty store to the headquarters. The approval process will be more complicated, and the franchisees should wait patiently. After success, you have to pay a deposit, and the process is almost finished.
3. Store design
The headquarters will produce a decoration drawing of the store according to the size of your store. The franchisees will decorate according to this drawing. It is recommended that you choose a professional decoration company when decorating, otherwise, the decoration is not good, the headquarters will not pass, and rework will be carried out.
4. Preparation before opening
After the store is designed, the headquarters will arrange business training and guidance, and then help plan the opening ceremony, as well as various publicity and momentum, so that the store can receive extensive attention from consumers and increase its popularity as soon as it opens.